Paper work week

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*Trigger warning ⚠️
This does have abuse. If you are triggered by any type of abuse please do not read. There is also mental illness. depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Please if you are triggered by any of this please do NOT READ.

I will be writing in Mariah's POV through each day of the week till Patrick's papers come back.*

Mariah's POV
I woke up the next day at 7am. I got up and checked in my bag to make sure everything was still there. Then I lifted up the corner of my mattress and took out the photo of me and Patrick. I was on Patrick shoulders and there were a bunch of pretty lights behind us and we were both smiling. I miss him already and it hasn't even been a day.
The bell rang at 7:30am for breakfast. I put the picture back under the mattress and went to breakfast. When I walked into the dining hall, people gave me the dirtiest looks. I sat down ignoring them but then Chris and James came up to me.
"So, you think it's cool to fake being sad and all depressed so a famous person will pick you." James said.
"It's actually kinda smart. Wish I woulda thought of it. Too bad you have to live here again. Hey James I wonder if Mr. Dempsey got her anything." Chris said as they ran off to my bed.
I chased after them but by the time I got there they had emptied my whole backpack. Lucky they didn't look under my bed.
"Huh I guess he doesn't give a damn about you"

"Mariah 3, just the person I was looking for. Come with me please" Mrs.Green said as I followed her to her office.
"So the teachers here said you didn't do your homework."
"I didn't get any. They never gave me anything to do while I was at Patrick- Mr. Dempseys house."
"I am not a fan of that attitude little lady. She would've been more responsible and double checked. This means no outside time and no free time."
"But Mrs. Green-"
"Enough, that's it. I'm sending Chris and James to meet with you"
"No Mrs. Green please"
"Go. Now."

I finished all the homework that I missed. And I had to go to bed early since it's part of my punishment. I haven't heard from Patrick so far. I'm hoping to see it hear from him soon.
I couldn't find a comfortable sleeping position since the boys beat me so bad. I grabbed my flash light and took the picture out from under the mattress again. I looked at the picture and smiled I miss him so much. He reminds me so much of my dad. He's almost like my dad now. Maybe there's a way for me to contact him. I heard the other kids coming into the beds area and I put everything away with anyone noticing.

"Mariah 3 please come with me you have a visiter"
I walked to Mrs.Greens office and when I walked in I saw Patrick sitting on his phone.
"Patrick!" I smiled and ran into his arms.
"I miss you." Patrick said hugging me.
"I missed you too." I whispered
I walked with Patrick to the dining hall for lunch.
"Where'd you get this?" Patrick said holding up my arm.
" Fell out of bed"
"Mariah, don't lie to me. I know you didn't fall out of bed. Did someone do this to you? Do you have more bruises then this?"
"I- I don't...please stop. I..I can't I don't know."
"Just breathe and tell me what happened." Patrick said calmly.
I told Patrick what happened.
"I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise."
"Can I just go home with you" I said as Patrick got up to leave.
"No baby you can't. Not today. I wish you could but I'll visit you soon." Patrick said as her hugged me.

"I saw Mr.Dempsey came back to visit your during lunch yesterday. What's that all about?" Chris said as he walked up to me.
"Just leave me alone Chris I haven't done anything wrong. You already beat me once this week can't I just get one day without you breathing down my neck."
"Mariah 3, come to my office right now." Mrs. Green said sternly.
I slowly walked to her office and sat down in the seat across from her.
"You can not. Talk to people that way. I don't care if you like them or not. I am pushing your punishment through next week and you can not have any visitors through next week. Fix your attitude little lady."
I got up and left her office. Now I can't see Patrick for a whole week. Great.

I asked Mrs. Green if I can write a thank you letter to Patrick. But it's really just my way to contact him about what happened yesterday.
Dear Patrick
I stood up to Chris and got in trouble. My punishment has been pushed through next week and I can't have visitors all of next week. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. Seems like everything I do is wrong. I'm hoping maybe Mrs. Green will let me see you even through I can't see visitors. Please come back I need you.
From- Mariah 3.
I put thank you on the front of the card so Mrs. Green wouldn't be suspicious about it. Mrs. Green already gave me his address and all the info I needed. I put the letter in the mail and hoped Patrick would respond.

I checked to see if my letter got mailed and it did. I was walking back to my bed when I saw Patrick in Mrs. Greens office. I stopped in my tracks.
"Patrick? What are you doing here?"
"Little lady do not interrupt a meeting."
"It's okay, I'm talking to Mrs. Green about adoption. I was going to come see you after the meeting."
"Mariah please take a seat."
I sat down in the chair next to Patrick.
"Mr. Dempsey has just been paper work approved, to adopt you. He still has to have his interview and house inspection to make sure you are a good fit. We normally don't say anything to the kids till after the interview but I guess you found out a little early."
"Wait really!"
"Don't be happy set he still has to pass the interview. You better hope you don't get called back again ether. Now please leave so we can finish this up."
Patrick smiled at me as I left the office.

This is my favorite story to write right now so I'll probably update almost everyday! I hope you like it too💗! Please VOTE and COMMENT I love you all and lmk if you want me to keep updating the other stories too💗💗💗💗💗!!!!!!!

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