Chapter 1

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Severus POV:

I am so done. I'm done with everything at this point. Here I am on the train, completely ignoring whatever Regulus is blabbering about to Lucius and Narcissa. Lily has been a honest brat the whole summer. I got it in my head that our friendship is over after she refused my apology, and left her alone. But she has been sending me letters on how I should leave her alone the whole summer. At first I was confused since I didn't talk to her. Now I think that she is just trying to annoy me.

" Severus Tobias Snape!" I jumped and looked up to see Cissa standing over me, wobbling a bit to keep her balance as the train moved.

" ...yes...?"

" You spaced out." She said while sitting back down next to Lucius. " Reg asked you something." I raised an eyebrow and turned to him.

" Jeez, about time. So, why do look so different, and seem so different?" I tilted my head in confusion, feeling a frown form on my face.

" Severus you can't be serious." Lucius sighed, looking up from his book. I just looked at him, before he groaned and closed his book with a loud bang.

" For one your hair isn't unkept and it doesn't have a greasy look anymore. It's a lot longer to, it goes to the start of your back. You're actually showing what your money can buy with your clothes. Not only that you look like you slept for once. You have your ears pierced . And you're wearing a choker instead of a scarf."

" And don't forget that he is actually wearing his Heir and Lord rings for once!" Cissa pipped in.

" I really look that different?"

" Yeah man, what happened?"

" I honestly gave up with everything at this point. Besides, since it's our final year, I decided to let those Gryffindors see who they have been messing with for all these year." I said, laughing a bit at the end. The three looked at each other, then back at me with a Slytherin like smirk on their faces.

" About time Sev."


Sometimes I think people have a staring problem. It honestly bothers me. I just sighed and continued to walk to the carriages as the others sneered at anyone who looked for too long. 

" Hey Sev?" 

" Yeah?" I answered, turning to Cissa. 

" How come you got your ears pierced?" 

" What are you talking about? I've had them pierced since I was seven." 

" Wait what?" 

" Yeah, you didn't know? The only reason i'm wearing earrings  right now is since my mother made me. I'm not a big fan of them." 

"...And you didn't tell me?! I could have tried so many earrings on you!" 

" Exactly why he didn't tell you Cissa." Lucius supplied beside us. We got into the carriage and sat down. 

" Why didn't you tell us you where getting a glow up though?" Regulus asked. 

" I was at home this summer, not the muggle world. Last time I checked, water and paper don't mix well. Besides, I was...busy." 

" Who did you blackmail this time?" Lucius sighed. 

" Why do you always assume I blackmailed someone? That is Bella's job!" 

" Then what did you do." 


" Of course. Leave it too sev to not enjoy his break." Reg sighed. 

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