Sneak Peak shhhhhhh

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The iridescent glow of the meteorite shone across the short blades of grass, and trees, lighting up the small clearing in a pale green tint.

"Um, guys?" Anna whispered, fear evident in her voice.

The other six turned to her, eyes following her out stretched arm, to a spot on the ground where her index finger was pointing at. There, among the grass, lay dark red splatters. It seemed as if they had discovered the blood trail once more.

As if in a trance the small group of teens begin to follow it, beyond the tree lines. No one makes a single sound, the fear gripping their throat enough to pluck their voices from them.

"Wait," Trish says, being the first one to break the eerie silence. Her voice is utterly quiet, laced with terror.

They followed her gaze. Barely visible within the brush, lied the same deceased body of the young man from before. Fear causing them to get closer, they curiously creep forward, however paused once the shadows above the figure move.

It is then that they discover the thing standing above the body. Strange sounds empty from it, sounding almost as if it were eating.

Miles, now realizing the danger, took a step back, but his foot somehow managed to fall onto a small stick, breaking it in half. The crack echoed around them, seeming to bounce off the surrounding trees.

Almost automatically, the figure's head rose, coming into the faint light. It was then that the teens got their first look at it.
The creature had an appearance similar to that of a large reptilian, with smooth dark bluegrey scales and black stripe-like patterns woven through it's skin. It's razor sharp claws gleamed, while a long lean tail emerged from behind it.
Although it's actual form was terrifyingly more human-like.
With firm back muscles rippling under the layer of tough skin, and tense shoulders attached to large thick muscular arms and strong solid back legs made for outrunning prey. It's snout however was elongated; it's jaw, not unlike that of an alligator, was unhinged, revealing rows upon rows of large black teeth.
Thick red blood dripped from them, running down the sides of its mouth and pooling onto the body of its motionless victim. Upon its head lay a number of spikes protruding from the skin above its neck and down to the small of its back. However stranger it seemed, was its face.

It did not seem to have one.

There were no eyes, nor any signs of nostrils for which it smelled. It appeared to rely solely upon sound, perhaps even through the movement of the ground upon which the teens stood. 

It's large head turned in their direction, fixating on Miles, as if it could see him.

And as if caused by the motion of the creature, the body underneath it too moved its head so that it's face was now facing them.

The sight was truly gruesome.

Only half of the man's face was still intact. The other half however, was torn and ripped to shreds, almost unidentifiable. Flesh hung off the skull like shreds of fine ribbon, revealing the muscle and bone underneath. His left eye had been torn from its socket, and hung loosely by his cheek. All the while his right one was still wide open in fear, staring at them through a clouded lens.
Trish let out a scream which was quickly cut off by her brother's hand coming up and covering her mouth.

But the damage had been done. The monster let out an ear-splitting roar, before pouncing and leaping five feet into the air towards the unexpecting  adolescents. They let out a variety of frightened screams, running towards the direction they came, barely escaping, just before the creature landed in the place they had just been standing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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