15.) The announcement

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💫Ochako Uraraka's pov 💫

The next day is a Saturday so I let myself sleep in, basking in the warmth Katsuki let's off in his sleep to keep himself warm. I kept my head on his chest as I waited for him to wake up, thinking about the events of last night. He basically admitted that he was hiding something from me when he didn't deny what I said about his homework excuse being bullshit. Even though I said he didn't have to tell me I was still very curious about what was so important and why he didnt tell me before.

I couldn't think of anything logical he could be hiding in his dorm room and that just made me even more annoyed cause I didn't have a theory to work off. I rolled over in frustration, now facing away from Katsuki. This was stupid, I should just ask him. But what if he didn't want to tell me and we went back to square one? I groan a little and sit up, shaking my head a little.

The rest of my thoughts were interrupted when I felt Katsuki wrap his arm around his waist, pulling me back into his side. "I dont know what you're huffing about but it's too damn early for it. Go back to sleep." He says, his eyes still closed. I rolled my eyes and kept my eyes open, staring up at the ceiling. "I said sleep floaty." He grumbles, tightening his hold on my waist.

"But I'm not tired."

"Too fuckin bad, I am."

I huff a little and pout, closing my eyes and attempting to find sleep again. I managed to keep myself in bed for another hour before my boredom takes over. I look up at Katsuki's face and lightly poke his nose, making his face scrunch up. "I'm bored." I whine. He slowly opened his red eyes and looks at me, clearly unimpressed. "We have to get up."

"The hell we do." He complains. "No seriously, we're supposed to tell the class our big news today." He sighs loudly and looks down at me for a while before reluctantly agreeing. "Alright fine."

I finally get out of bed and walk over to my dresser to get some real clothes on. I settle for a pair of ripped Jean's and a white sweatshirt. I don't bother putting shoes on cause I don't plan on going outside. By the time I'm ready Katsuki is too so I send a quick text to the class group chat telling them to meet us downstairs in the common room cause we have a big announcement.

There was a text from a few people saying they bet it's that me and Katsuki are together again and I bite my lip, trying to ignore them. Why weren't we together again? I wondered as we walked down the stairs. I tried to ignore it as we walked into the room where most of the class was already waiting for us, along with Mr. Aizawa. Great.

Mina, Ejirou and Denki walk up to us, already smiling. "You guys nervous?" Denki asks, putting his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him and laughed. "Yes, very."

"Dont worry about it kiddo, anyone says anything me and Bakubro will show 'em what's what." Ejirou says grinning at me and flexing his arms. I smile a little and nod, trying to relax. This is gonna be okay.

We wait a few more minutes for everyone to join us before me and Katsuki walk to the front of the room and Denki, Ejirou and Mina join the rest of the class. I fidget with my hands and take a couple deep breaths and I think Katsuki notices. He smiles softly at me and holds one of his hands out to me. I talk it gladly and feel some of the nerves in my chest settle slightly.

He nods at me and I look out to the class. "Uh, hi guys. So um, me and Katsuki have some news and its definitely not what you're expecting it to be." I say, looking at them and seeing some expressions that say 'yeah right'.

"I-I'm pregnant." I stutter out rather loudly and hold my breath, waiting for their reactions. "Congratulations." Todoroki said it first with a gentle smile on his face before others joined in, smiling and telling us congrats. I accepted the hug he gave me and let out the breath I was holding into his shoulder. "Thank you." I said shakily, finally smiling back. He just nodded a little and stayed at my other side while others came up to hug me and Katsuki. I was glad to have him there, he was very calming in a way.

"Are you fucking serious!?" I hear and look up, startled. I was met with furious green eyes that made a shiver run down my spine. "Not only did you run back to that douche bag like a lost puppy, you banged him and got pregnant like a slut!?" Deku yelled, making me flinch. "N-no it wasnt like that-" I start but I was cut off by Katsuki.

"Who the hell do you think you're fuckin talking to!?" Katsuki yells, standing in front of me and getting in Deku's face. "This doesnt fucking concern you Bakugo, mind your god damn business." He snarls.

"This is exactly my business shitty nerd, I love that girl and you have no fuckin right to be insulting her!" Katsuki yells back.

I feel myself freeze. Wether its because I'm having a panic attack or because Katsuki said he loved me I didnt know.

"Guys stop!" I yell, wiping a tear off my face I didnt even realize had fallen. I look up, trying to find Aizawa but realize he is nowhere to be found. He must have left at some point.

"Guys seriously!" I yell as the first punch is thrown, flinching back. Todoroki puts a hand on my shoulder as Ejirou throws himself into the fight, I couldnt tell if he was trying to pull them apart or join in on Katsuki's side.

I turned to Todoroki as the fight got worse and I couldn't stop crying. Todoroki pulled me into a hug which shocked me but I accepted it, crying into his shoulder as I heard the fight continue behind me. I couldn't tell how long it went on for but I was begging into Todoroki's shoulder for it to stop as he hugged me.

Finally I think Aizawa came back and split them up but not before they got some serious damage on eachother. They were took to recovery girl while I was taken back to my dorm room but I could hear Katsuki yell my name a few times as we got pulled off in different directions.

~about an hour later~

I was sitting on my bed, staring at the wall, trying to decide if I was mad at Katsuki or not. Mina, Denki and Todoroki were sitting in my room as I ranted out loud to them.

"I mean, he was only fighting with Deku to defend me right? But then again, how far did he just set himself back in his anger management classes!? I mean, he promised me he wouldn't have another out burst again then he gets into a fist fight! But he also said he loves me and I- I just dont know what to think!" I yell, my voice faltering at the end as I make eye contact with them, each of their faces radiating pure concern.

"I'm not sure what to tell you Uraraka, you have to figure this one out on your own." Todoroki says, Denki and Mina nodding in agreement. I sigh and run a hand through my hair, trying to calm down a bit. "I think I'm going to go for a walk or something.." I say as i stand up, finally pulling on a pair of shoes.

"Have fun Ochako, you'll make the right choice." Mina says smiling at me. I nod a little and walk out the door, closing it softly behind me. I walk down the stairs much slower then I usually do and walk out the door of the dormitory.

I find myself walking towards the court yard if the school, looking down at my feet while I recalled the events of the past two hours. I wanted to cry again as I thought about how close we were to having a happy moment with all of our friends and class mates about the rest of our lives when Midoriya messed it all up.

I groaned in annoyance and could feel a slight headache forming in my temples.

"Ochako.." A gruff voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Katsuki standing there, a couple bandages on his face and arm in a change of clothes. He looked out of breath like he had been running and his clothes were messy like he was in a rush to put them on. The way he was standing on his leg tells me it still hurt and he looked tired. His face looked sad and stressed and he had his hands reaching towards me.


Okay! I am really sorry about how long this just took me to write but the reason it did was cause I started a second story! It's a mcyt fanfic about Tommy and if you're a fan I would really appreciate you checking it out! There's only one chapter so far but I plan on working on both of them. Theres probably gonna be smut in the next chapter btw and a lot of fluff. So yeah! Thank you for 1.11K reads! That's insane! Thank you! I love you guys!!

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