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Cole pulled his phone out and opened up the app. "Yea, I got it a couple of days ago and I'm already at level 5!" He puffed his chest out with pride. Zane grinned, "I got it yesterday and I'm at level 11." Cole deflated a little and stared at Zane with a mix of awe and suspicion. "But how? Even on the easy difficulty, it's still hard. Did you hack?" Zane gasped like Cole had slapped him. "I would never hack!" He glared angrily at him, "and besides, you know how good I am at these types of games." Cole laughed, "I'm just kidding bro. What's your gamer tag?"


"Ok cool, mine is Father_Cole_69, " He winked with finger guns.

Zane stared at Cole before sighing and typing in his gamer tag. Cole chuckled, "what? Do you not like my name?" Zane shook his head and gave a speech a small laugh, "I just wasn't expecting that, that's all." Cole smiled at Zane and opened his mouth to say something when the door slammed open and in walked Mr. Gerald.

The room went dead silent as he hobbled over to his desk, a fresh ice pack taped to his knee. "I was gone for ten minutes and you completely trashed this room. You will all be attending detention. Report to this room after your last class and you will get to leave at 5."

The bell rang and several students hurried out while others groaned about having to go to detention.

Cole cursed under his breath. "This is dumb! We didn't even do anything!" Zane sympathetically pat Cole's back. "At least we'll be in detention together." Cole sighed dejectedly, "yea I guess you're right."

They both got up, put on their backpacks, and exited the room. "Bye, Zane, I'll see you at lunch."

"Bye, Cole."

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