Strong bonds.

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Zelda POV

"Thank you so much for your hospitality. I'm afraid Link and I must get going, as time is of the essence. Trust me when I say we will appear before you in the future."

Riju nodded, and we were on our way to Akkala. We decided that it'd be best to visit Robbie, then work our way down to the Gorons.

"The Bolson construction agency resides in Akkala," Link stated after a while of riding, "Perhaps we can request their help. They are some of the finest builders I know."

I nodded, considering my choices.

We stopped at foothill stable, where the owner insisted that we have the finest rooms with the finest beds. I kindly declined, reminding him I have done no more for Hyrule than he has.

"Princess Zelda... she is so kind and graceful."

"What an honor..."

"She will bring great things for us."

I smiled to myself, hearing the quiet praises. It was relieving to know the whispers of derision had change in the last 100 years to whispers of praise.

When the sky was blanketed by layers of stars, I decided I should get some rest. Robbie is quite the energetic person, if you know what I mean...

Nevertheless, he is a genius and is treated as such. In fact, him and Purah were the ones that took Link to the shrine of resurrection. I am forever indebted to them.

Am I?

I turned over, looking at Link's bed. He was fast asleep, an amusing grin on his face. His arms and legs were sprawled out, shirt riding up his abs. When my eyes saw that I looked away.

How can someone be cute and sexy at the same time!?

I swatted away the thought, returning to the concept of my thankfulness for Purah and Robbie. They are the reason Link is with me.

"I wish... they could've saved the Link I knew." I whispered quietly, to no one in particular.

Closing my eyes, I succumbed to the ever so powerful force of sleep.

- (it's 2AM don't judge)

I woke up at just the right time, since the sun was just beginning to come up. Quietly, I got dressed, stepping outside for a moment to watch the sunrise. Nobody was awake yet, so it was just me out in the sound of wind.

Soon enough, the stable owner awoke, lighting the lamps inside the stable. I turned back, heading to the room that held Link and I. Gently I woke him, and he groaned a few times before getting up.

He set himself to get dressed, I watched him get up. He grabbed the hem of his shirt, and I knew what was going to happen but I couldn't stop it.

His bare chest and abs were revealed, and the scars stared right back at me. They mocked me. Even after I looked away, the scars littering the broken man's body were all I could see. My breathing became labored, and I stumbled back into my nightstand.

"Zelda?" Link demanded, worried expression written all over his face, "Zelda! What's wrong!?"

I shook my head, my eyes stinging with tears before they started to flow. I looked at his body, and mentally all the scars were bleeding, leaving a pile of blood on the floor. I slid down the wall, sitting in the blood.

"You're... bleeding." I whispered absentmindedly.

"I'm not." He stated.

I looked back at him, he still had no shirt on. I felt like vomiting, the scene from 100 years ago playing before me.

"Goddess no... please no..." I begged, gripping my hair and shaking my head vigorously.

The sound of guardian beams echoed through my ears. Link breathed his last breath, explosions could be heard all around. I vividly remembered the heat of the flames that surrounded us, everything was burning. I remembered the mechanical clanking of the guardians, and the weight of Link's lifeless body in my lap.


I shook my head more.

"Zelda please..."

I recognized the voice, opening my eyes slowly. Link had a shirt on now.

"Zelda... it's okay. I'm here." He comforted me gently, hugging me softly.

Tears continued rushing down my cheeks, and I just buried my face into his neck. The wave of terror slowly washed over me, and I readjusted my eyes to find Link with his arms around me.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, standing up and bringing Link with me. I kissed his cheek quickly after rubbing my eyes.

"Don't take too long getting dressed. We shall depart as soon as we eat some breakfast." I told him, and he nodded slightly.


After a few hours of riding, we arrived at South Akkala stable at about noon. Stopping to take a rest, Link and I allowed our horses to eat and drink water.

"What brings you 'round these parts, travelers?" A man with a thick accent asked us.

"We're heading to the ancient tech lab, we heard a man named Robbie resides here in Akkala." I responded, smiling gently. I looked at Link, who left to go tend to the horses.

"It's good he's got a wife... he tends to like the younger generation." The man mumbled.

I raised my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What I mean is, his wife is 'bout half a century younger than him." He answered.

I widened my eyes.

"I-I... Don't know what to think about that." I stammered, looking away.

"I'm sure he'd be all over you, such a pretty woman like you are." He snapped me out of my thoughts.

A faint blush dusted my cheeks, and I looked at his smiling face. I smiled back.

"Thank you, you're too kind." I thanked him.

He placed his hand on the side of my face.

"You got a name, pretty woman?" He suggested. I stared at him blankly for a moment, in a daze. He wasn't too bad looking himself. He had dark brown, curly hair. His skin was tan and his eyes were a striking gold color.

He chuckled, knocking me out of my daze.

"It's Zelda!" I exclaimed, face flushed.

"Mine's Matthew. But you can call me Matt," He said with a wink, "Now that we're acquainted, perhaps I can escort ya up to that lab?"

I looked over at Link, who looked to be still tending to the horses.

"Sure. It's not very far of a walk, it seems." I responded.

**ON HIATUS** Our past (A Modern/Medieval Zelink fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now