Chapter 3

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Saphira looked around her, trying to spot someone she knew. 

Further away in the distance, she could hear Walburga Black yelling at her disappointment of a son while her husband Orion stopped her from making a scene. The Blacks were extremely wealthy, and were one of the Sacred Twenty-eight. 

Many times, Saphira had met them at the fancy pureblood dinner parties. They were a very well known family, and were quite close with her own parents. Walburga and Orion had two sons. Regulus Black, who was in fourth year, and Sirius Black, who was in the same year as Saphira. 

Sirius was in Gryffindor, while the rest of his family was in Slytherin. This automatically made him a blood-traitor. Saphira often felt sorry for him. She knew he was treated unfairly. But she had no say in that. 

Although she felt sorry for him, it didn't necessarily mean she liked him. He was loud and annoying, not to mention obnoxious. He flirted with girls endlessly, and played with their feelings. He was attractive, and boy did he know it. He took advantage of his good looks, habitually hooking up with random girls ever few days. He, for one, could never be in a 'Sirius' relationship. Pun intended. And that was saying something. 

He always dressed in muggle clothes to annoy his parents, never taking off his black leather jacket and many rings he wore all over his fingers. He had long shoulder length black hair which was always well groomed, and sharp, high cheekbones. 

He commonly listened to muggle music, knowing all the lyrics off by heart, and customarily played it on high volume during the summer, upsetting his parents even more. He was on the verge of being disowned by his family, something that was a horrible experience. 

He was best friends with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Together, they caused mischief and wreaked havoc, and they called themselves 'The Marauders.' 

In Saphira's opinion, they were nothing but attention-seeking prats who bullied Slytherins for no absolute reason, their favorite prey being Severus. Saphira often had to hex them back, when they hexed him, and she would create the strangest spells, using the Marauders as her specimen. The only boy she could barely tolerate from their group was Remus.

 He had been her potions partner quite a few times, and she frequently saw him in the library, where they merely smiled at each other whenever their eyes met. She knew Remus wasn't as well behaved as everyone believed. He was the brains of the group, and time and time again, came up with the craziest ideas, helping James and Sirius carry out their plans. The two were surprisingly smart even though they barely paid any attention in class. 

Saphira boarded the train, dragging her trunk behind her as she looked for a compartment. Finally, she found one, and she entered it, lodging her trunk up in the luggage rack. She heaved it upwards, but it was too heavy. Maybe Ju could help her. 

An annoying voice barged into her compartment and asked, "Need some help there, Love?" 

Saphira knew that this was none other than the famous Sirius Black, a person that she would at all costs, avoid, mainly because of his player reputation. She rolled her eyes at his pathetic flirting. Merlin, could he NOT flirt for once?

"Not from you, Black," she said snappily, lifting up the trunk to the seat and huffing rather loudly. 

He placed a hand on his chest, as if hurt. "You wound me, Prince, or shall I say, Princess," he said, winking at her and petting her back. She flinched at his touch and glared at him. He quickly pulled his hand back.

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