t w e l v e

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"Yo quiero tenerte a mi lao'
Ven pa' que bailemos pegao'
Me muero por verte
Dime qué hago pa' tenerte, lady"

Peyton blinked as a male singing voice echoed through the room.
She rubbed her eyes and winced.
She really needed a shower.

She walked to the bathroom, threw open the door and proceeded to take of her tank top.

She froze at the person staring at her.
Christopher shifted deeper into the steam filled shower to hide his manhood.

Peytons face flushed and wrapped her arms around her bra.
"Sorry" She muttered and turned to go.
"It's okay, I was getting out anyway. I need to go for rehearsal"
Peyton blushed as he stepped out, his chest tatted and muscular.
Unfortunately the towel around his waist didn't hide the things underneath.
Peyton averted her gaze as he got out.
She briefly gazed at his fine butt as he got out then turned away.
Nope. Not. Going. To. Happen.

"So what's the next ruse?" AJ folded her arms across her chest.
"I don't know, man" Peyton lay back, sighing.
Had Christopher changed?
He'd not struck back.
That was not the boy who bullied her.
"I know!" AJ clapped excitedly.
"Spill" Changed or not, what the boy did to her was unforgivable.
"So basically you know how he broke your heart? By turning your friends and boyfriend against you?" Peyton nodded curiously
"You can reciprocate that. Fake attraction to him and while he gets attached to you, you break up with him and boom" AJ smirked "What goes around comes around"

"What?" Her sister shrugged "Its not hard to feign physical attraction towards him, is it? He's hot"
"Hm" Peyton swallowed.
Because she knew she couldn't fake the physical attraction.

A/N : lil angsty moment for yall 😉

use this as a <<question box>>
😂 😂 i'm bored

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