Michelle Erika is known to be hated by everyone because of her personality. Unknowingly, those people who hated her turns out they loved her. Each person decided to write a letter for her, not to be sent to her, but for their eyes only. They are not romantic letters, that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones who admired her for being strong all the time. These people wrote greetings and love poems where they put their heart and soul and say all the things they would never say in real life, because they are "shy type". Until the day Erika will celebrate her 19th year, these NEVER SENT letters are mailed to her, by each wonderful people who hold her dearly.

Letters Never Sent
Non-FictionHi Michelle Erika! Happy 19th Birthday! This story is the compilations of our poems and letters never sent for you. We hope that you will have a great time reading it.