Hi erkaaaa! Happiesttt bertdeeyyyy! uwuuu I never tot na magkakaroon tayo ng little encountersss pero aym beyond grateful na nakilala kitaaa kasee sa prangkang ugali mo ee may mataba kangg pusooOooO HHEHEHSHSK tas alamubaa pinakatumatak saken kapag nababanggit pangalan mo is si Donald HAHAHAHA wala ankyut lang🤣 balikan ng mga alala na hanggang alala nalang awts gege HAHAHHSK chz ayunn ngaaa thankyouuu somatsss for all the loveee and effort na ininvest mo sa ampereeee👉👈 Isa ka sa mga hinahangaan ko with da hart HEHE 💖 I admire you in a lot of ways and in different waysss lalo na sa accountinggg, feelingg ko mas nagkaroon tayo ng convo dahil dun HAHAHAHHSK and i would never forget how you comfort mee nung enrollment sobrang forkipssss💖 Alwayss strivee for dabest ms.wattyyy! Amperee lovess youuuu😘
Kitakitssss ka-Iskooo Mwuahhh

Letters Never Sent
No FicciónHi Michelle Erika! Happy 19th Birthday! This story is the compilations of our poems and letters never sent for you. We hope that you will have a great time reading it.