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Wicker baskets, sheets and kitchen utensils littered the streets of the small fishing village as a result of Vikings looting for supplies. The locals put up no resistance, overwhelmed by the power and savage fury of the Vikings.

Meanwhile, Red Spear was at the top of a hillside silently observing her men who were devastating everything in their path when Arthur, not very comfortable with the situation, stood by her side in order to get to know her and understand more about the viking culture.

“You don't seem very happy” she began breaking the silence as they both watched what was happening around them.

“I'd be lying to you if I said I was” he replied crossing his arms.

“We don't know any other kind of life, Arthur. We rob, it is true, but always from the richest, and this port is full of religious treasures.”

A sarcastic smile spread across his face.

“I thought vikings didn't distinguish between social classes when they stole.”

“And they don't” she answered turning her gaze to him, “the gold and the glory is the important thing. They do not care who to steal as long as they have things of value. But my men don't snatch leaving people with nothing, or so I try” she added pausing briefly before continuing, “We all do things we're not proud of Arthur but we don't have a choice if we want to feed all those Feys.”

Silence reigned again and the young man bowed his head fixing his eyes on the ground remembering that he had not always done the right thing in the past. Red Spear put her slender hand on his chin and raised his head to her alluring and blazing eyes. Arthur knew that he had no choice if he wanted all the Fey to survive until they reached Avalon since time and gold were not on his side and he resigned himself to accepting it.

“One day we will give everything back to these poor people, Guinevere.”

“You are noble of that there is no doubt, although sometimes you yourself doubt it” she said with a mocking smile.

The sea breeze at the top of that slope ruffled the Viking's hair while a dreamer Arthur watched her.

“Do you think of her?” Red Spear asked in a soft voice, “It is nice to care and be loved by someone. I don't even remember what that was anymore.”

“Surely you have many suitors. A woman like you is sure to be wooed very often.”

“You may be surprised but no. Unconsciously I usually make men run away from me” she said resignedly, “Vikings like strong women but they do not like that they have strong character and difficult to handle.”

“Well, maybe you don't need a Viking” he replied calmly still looking into her eyes as he gently grabbed her right arm.

Red Spear laughed and her cheeks turned pink. For a moment it seemed that time had stopped.

“It wasn't always like this, a long time ago there was someone, we loved each other... and hearing you talk on the boat with Pym about Nimue reminded me of that person I once loved” she revealed with a bitter smile, “I don't know if I will ever love someone as much as I loved him. Maybe I will no longer feel that feeling for someone and you may laugh and find it stupid but I couldn't help but feel envy when I heard to you talk about her.”

“What happened to that person?” asked Arthur.

“He died. The edge of an ax pierced his organs in battle and he died in my arms while he bled out.”

“I'm so sorry, Guinevere.”

“Don't be sorry, that was a long time ago and now he's in the Valhalla eating and drinking with Odin and the great Viking warriors.”

Both shared a knowing smile in that intimate and revealing encounter when unexpected war cries caught them glimpsing in the distance a Viking army running towards the town.
The Ice King was there and they were being ambushed.

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