Chapter 17 (Continuation)

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Hi, ima just keep writing because I finished my test early in english soooooooooooo, Hi again.


I finally stopped hacking my lungs out and decided to rush after Tommy. We're now sitting in a cafe drinking hot chocolate with a candy cane in each. I can tell Tommy is slightly pissed off, it's only November and there's Christmas decorations everywhere.

I watch him pick the peppermint stick out of his drink and bite down on it, cracking it right down the middle. Another crack is also accompanied by it, the crack of glass shattering. Tommy looks up before pulling the table down and reaching for his hand gun at his side.

I open my mouth to speak but he silences me with a look, three people enter the cafe. One has hair dyed blue, one has red headphones resting on their shoulders and one has a yellow-orange cat hoodie on. Tommy slowly takes out his gun as everyone else in the cafe flees.

"Oi, you know what we want." The one with the red headphones says, the man nods before handing him some money. Tommy fires a warning shot that goes straight into the air, the three turn to look at us as I feel my face turning red.

"Tommy... I didn't bring a gun." I whisper quietly. I see his facial expression morph into a kind of 'oh shit' face. The three kick the table before staring down at us in confusion. The one with blue hair takes out a dagger before he's stopped by the cat one.

"Hey!! Don't you know who they are? Those are the boss's brothers." He says, his voice is oddly high pitched to me. The one with blue hair drops the dagger before looking over to the one with headphones.

"Tubbo... Why are you hiding behind a table?" The captain asks, I smile sheepishly as Tommy shoots me a confused look. I stand up before shaking hands with him and smiling.

"Tommy, meet Captain Jordan. He used to train me while George was training you. He's from the southern districts but I guess he was called up here." I say. Captain ruffles my hair before his eyes take on a glisten.

"Speaking of ol' Gogy, hows he doing? We cut contact when you two where 17 and finishing up your training." He says. I see Tommy look down as I do the same. I hear a small intake of breath from my best friend.I try to force the words out of my throat but I can't.

"Oh... Come here it's alright." Captain says as he pulls me into a hug. Tommy walks over and the blue haired one ruffles his hair and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Wilbur too..." Tommy chokes out. Captain's eyes widen as he pulls Tommy in as well. He seems hesitant at first but soon he loosens up and lets himself be pulled in by the older man. I hear the cafe door open once again and catch sight of familiar pink hair.

"Dan, Stampy, Jordan." Techno greets. Captain turns around and nods in a form of respect to him. Techno walks over to Tommy, he stands next to him before patting his shoulder.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but the cat decided to shit all over your bed. Also on Tubbo's."

"W H A T?"

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