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"Kyle Hobart!?" Jax shouts as he swings the door open then slams it shut, startling Jules. "Kyle Hobart!?"

"What?" Julianna asks, standing.

"You slept with him!?"

"Three years-"

"You came home and didn't even see me!?"

"You were in fucking Nevada! I was there to see you and you weren't there!" Jax is silent. "Check your fucking facts before you start screaming at me!"

"He told me you guys slept together today." He says lowly, balling his hands up into fists. "Are you lying to me!?"

"He said that to hurt you! God! I can't believe this!" She turns to go into the kitchen but she's stopped by a tight hand on her upper arm. She quickly turns and gives him a sharp smack to the cheek. "Do not."

Jax stays put as Julianna goes back to the bedroom. She packs some of her stuff up before leaving silently, tears brimming in her eyes.

Julianna uses a spare key that Jax gave her to let herself into the clubhouse, locking the door behind her. She huffs as she goes to Jax's vacant room, throwing her bag down on the floor. She swears loudly as she drops herself onto the bed, burying herself under the sheets and tries to fall asleep.


"Julianna? What are you doing here?" Kip asks quietly when he sees her in the small kitchen, cooking.

"Making breakfast. You hungry?" She doesn't wait for answer as she hands him a plate. "Eggs okay with you?" She asks as she slaps some on the dish. "Coffee?"

"Uh, sure." He sits at the small table. "You alright?" She serves herself breakfast before joining him.

"Dig in, Kip."

"It's been so long since someone's called me Kip." He says around his food. "Usually it's Half-Sack or Prospect."

"I prefer Kip over anything else." She smiles. "Why Half-Sack?"

"When I served in Iraq, I got one of my testies blown off." He shrugs. "Works the same, though." He winks at her, making her laugh.

"Tell me about yourself. I don't know anything about you."

"Okay. I was born and raised here, I served in the army, I like boxing, and I'm a vegetarian."

"Cool. Any romantic partners?" His face falls slightly. "Sorry."

"There was a girl I met from Indian Hills, Cherry. She was beautiful." Julianna can tell he still has feelings for her. "She got arrested and had a bunch of warrants out for her in Nevada. Happy got her out of town and up to Canada. I hope she's doing alright." He pulls his necklace out of his shirt to show a small dog tag on the chain, along side his own tags from the army. "She left me this."

"Oh, baby, I'm sure she's missing you." He sighs heavily. "Who's Happy?"

"He's from Tacoma. We're having a party for him tonight."

"Oh shit, is that tonight?" Kip nods. "I've never been to one of these parties before."

"It's real fun. Gemma and I are setting stuff up for everything later if you want to help."

"Sure that sounds like fun. Can I ask you something?"


"What happened last night with Kyle?"

He's silent for a second before sighing. "I don't know."

"Kip, please. Jax came home last night and we got into a fight."

By Your Side - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now