Chapter 10

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A Dangerous game

Marcus leaned his head against the wall, eyes closed as he listened to his brother scamper off. He hated the fact he had to resort to threats. Worse then that he hated he was prepared to carry those threats out if he had to. His brother would not be trapped here like Marcus was. He waited a moment and then turned to go to the mirror Jason had just occupied.

He was riveted by Amy. She had changed and was wearing lingerie that had a garter belt that accented her slim waist. She had lightly put lipstick on and she was a show stopper.

It was such a difference from her frumpy work clothes he was almost convinced this was another woman

She got on her hands and knees and crawled up to the mirror and he found himself squatting down as if she were crawling to him to beguile and seduce him. When she sat up and slid out of her lacy robe he fell to his knees in reverence.

Dear God, he had never seen anything so beautiful. He shakily pressed a hand against the glass. She stroked herself and he could see her cheeks were flushed and she was panting. Her eyes stayed on the mirror. She arranged herself so she could play with herself while she watched and he closed his eyes briefly at the sweet agony.

This was the kind of heaven most voyeurs hoped to see and could spend their whole lives never getting this lucky.

She had a thing for mirrors and he if he hadn't been convinced he was damned to Hell he would have thanked God for her quirk. She posed and moved almost seeming to put on a show. Finally, she stretched in front of the mirror head near the glass and she held her long legs up crossing them at her ankles.

Marcus found himself wishing he had a camera. He had taken down his mother's cameras disgusted with her blackmailing ways. He had stayed away from them because he had been afraid he'd get sucked further into his perversion. Once he left the tunnels his tenants were safe and had privacy. A camera would lead to no privacy at all and go even further becoming his own personal porn collection to watch even when he wasn't in the tunnels.

The thought disgusted him but he knew with a kind of helpless despair it would happen if he didn't stop the urge in it's tracks. Better to just try to deal with one fetish then heap more into his life.

While he eagerly studied Amy she ran her hands down her legs touching herself briefly.

Then things got a bit odd.

She reached to the side in the area that was a blind spot and pulled up a long sharp knife that gleamed.

Marcus jerked when he saw it, eyes going wide.

"What the hell?" he whispered.

Amy rolled slowly to her stomach. She then proceeded to place the blade against her throat and Marcus leaned forward putting his hands against the glass not caring if she realized he was there.

"Look at me dammit!" Her snarl made him sit back staring at her.

"You'll look at me now, won't you? Oh yes, you'll look at me or I'll do it. I'll do it right in front of you and what a mess I'll be."

She groaned softly reaching between her legs to pleasure herself. The knife however stayed against her creamy throat and Marcus was so riveted he couldn't move, he was afraid to move.

"If you...stop...watching me..." She panted "...don't take your eyes off me...don't even blink!

That's it...that's right baby look at me." Her head fell forward as she came and she collapsed. For a horrifying moment Marcus thought she had cut her throat by accident and he prepared to open the mirror and step through to try to help her.

Then she rolled over with a sigh and she was fine, not a mark on her throat.  He sighed in relief and let his head rest against the cold glass briefly. She curled up looking at the mirror with tears in her eyes and Marcus could almost believe she knew it was him. Knew that he was there.

"Why don't you come to me? Why am I alone? Don't you want to watch me? Don't you care about me at all?" She put her hand against the mirror and Marcus put his on his side of the glass against hers. He told himself he could feel her warmth. She leaned against the mirror wearily and he pressed his lips against the glass using his tongue to pretend he was licking her tears away while he wondered what demons compelled her.

She sat back and looked at the mirror.

"I'm going to bed. Maybe you'll come to see me tomorrow." She stood up with a swish of the lingerie she wore and tossed the knife on a table as if it was a tube of lipstick she was done with and went to bed.

Once he was sure she was asleep Marcus stepped into the room. He walked forward and ran one finger against the knife. Sharp, it was so goddamn sharp.

He didn't understand. He knelt by the bed and took a handful of her gown and held it to his face enjoying the warmth and smell. He stayed there for most of the night whispering over and over.

"I'm here, I'm right here baby...I see you. You'll never be alone again."

Look at Me; A Rose Hood novellaWhere stories live. Discover now