Chapter 2

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Some years later...

Grace Carr sat in stony silence at the middle school her daughter Amy went to. The principle looked uncomfortable even as he berated her about Amy's behavior.

"Your daughter needs help, Mrs. Carr, I understand she's young but flashing a teacher is not in any way normal for a young girl. As you know there's been other incidents though not as bold."

Grace winced and gritted her teeth.

Yes, other instances. Her daughter flipped her dress up to show off her panties, somehow she had gotten her hands on a g string, to the boys.

Her daughter brazenly dancing on a desk during a show and tell a presentation.

As if that hadn't been enough it had gotten worse than just that.

The science fair where Amy casually walked around and knocked off the displays breaking things.

The fights.

The cutting which had Grace running her to the hospital afraid she was going to bleed to death.

Her daughter was seemingly enamored with the attention from the doctors and nurses which led her to do it again.

Now, this.

"Maybe she thought it was a the boys mooning each other...maybe..." she replied weakly.

He looked at her with pity which made her shut her mouth.

"These incidences all together tell an alarming story, Mrs. Carr. My concern isn't just for the embarrassment she may cause herself and you...well frankly I'm concerned what may happen she draws the wrong attention to herself with these antics. Not to mention if she continues to hurt herself or others for attention, well if it gets out of hand I'm concerned it might lead to severe injuries."

Grace slunk in the chair. Yes, when the phone rang it wasn't just what her daughter did to herself and others Grace was afraid to hear. Sometimes she was scared to death her daughter would be gone, raped, or kidnapped. She didn't think Amy's behavior was going to lead her daughter down any type of good road.

Tears fell from her eyes.

The principal leaned forward and pushed a box of tissues towards her. She leaned forward and plucked a few while she tried to get a hold of herself.

"What can I do? She's already seeing a counselor."

The principal played with his pen briefly and he appeared to be thinking.

Then he dug into his desk drawer and pulled out a brochure.

"This is Haven's school for wayward girls. They have a reputation for schooling girls not just in academics but also in behavior. I've never heard any complaints about their methods and some of their graduates have gone on to college to graduate with honors. It's a bit longer then most school years but their reputation is stellar."

He handed the brochure to her.

Grace blinked looking at the trembling pamphlet.

"You mean...send her away?"

"If you have any other ideas Mrs. Carr please let's get them on the table. If your daughter continues on this bizarre fixation she has of flaunting her body and inflicting damage for the attention she will be expelled and there won't be another school who will risk-taking her."

Grace stared at him before nodding with a tired sigh.

"I'll call them for you and get her incident reports to them."

Grace bit her lip.

"Mrs. Carr we're catching this early, Amy will be alright she's a smart girl who just needs to apply herself. You'll be alright too."

Grace said nothing as she stared at the building she was sending her daughter to. It looked like a prison. She wished there was some other way but the more she thought of it the more it seemed inevitable.

What if Amy took it in her head to strip in the streets? Or in a store? What if instead of hurting herself she hurt someone else so badly they had to go to a hospital?

In a few years, she could be arrested for indecent exposure and assault and have a record that would follow her wherever she went.


Three weeks later her daughter was staring at the building that would be a new home. Three suitcases sat next to her.


"It's ok honey it's a special school where they can help you."

Two large no-nonsense looking women came out. One grabbed two of Amy's suitcases and the other introduced herself.

"I'm Mrs. Jones, I'm very glad you could make it. Well now, this is Amy? You look very pretty but no makeup is allowed at the school."

Amy blinked and glanced at her mother "No makeup? Why?"

"You are in school and that is where your focus should lie."

"I like to look good." Amy protested " It makes me feel good to look good. How can it hurt anyone?"

Mrs. Jones shook her head as the other woman came out to get the last suitcase.

"There is no one here who will care what you look like Amy."

"But I still like looking at myself.'' she protested.

"There are no mirrors anywhere in the building."

Amy blinked stunned. " No mirrors? Not even in the bathrooms?"

"None." Mrs. Jones said.

Amy turned to her mother horrified " Mom, I don't want to go here! I'll do better. I promise please don't make me go here!"

Grace shook her head, tears forming in her eyes.

"This is the last chance you get Amy. God knows I've made mistakes with you but you're not going to become the kind of loose immoral woman that gets involved in drugs and men. I want you to do better than me. I was pretty and wound up pregnant too soon and had to give up all my dreams. That's not going to happen with you."

Amy stared at her stunned then shook her head "So, what? I was a mistake and now you have to fix it?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

Amy glared her face flushing hotly. " I don't care what you say you can't make me stay here!" She turned and took off. Grace started to go after her and Mrs. Jones stopped her.

"Trust me when I say she can't get past the fence you drove through. It circles the entire compound. If you go running after her that gives her the kind of deviant attention she wants. That attention is going to stop. All our girls are treated equally here and she will find quickly that we don't tolerate disruptions."

Grace hesitated.

"Just go Mrs. Carr. She'll be fine. I have a list here of times the girls are allowed to have calls and visiting hours. We do ask you to keep your visits to one day a week."

Grace took the paperwork then slowly made her way back to the car still looking around for her daughter.

"I Love you, Amy! I just want what's best for you."

With another troubled glance at the squat ugly building she got in her car and left.

Look at Me; A Rose Hood novellaWhere stories live. Discover now