Quidditch Game

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Quidditch Game
(Another short chapter. Ahh Ik, I'm sorry!)

When Brooke finished eating, the four of them headed down to the quidditch field. Brooke saw that Enzo was already there so she walked next to him.

"So, I think now is a good time to give you your present, Don't you think Dandelion?" He asked with his eyebrow raised. He was holding something long and wrapped in brown paper behind his back.

"You didn't have to get me anything Enzo." She said shaking her head.

"Excuse me? I did and you know it. Here brat." He said while pulling the wrapped present from behind his back and giving her a smile. Brooke smiled back and shook her head while taking the present. She set it down and unwrapped it carefully. Underneath was a Nimbus 2000. Brooke felt grateful. Her family may be rich but they almost never bought her anything.

Draco tried to give her things but most of it was stuff he needed. That and If Lucius saw that Brooke had something that they gave Draco, he would probably give them a severe punishment.

"Enzo..." She said with awe. She looked up at him and quickly jumped up and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much." She said, her words muffled in his shoulder. He chuckled and hugged her back. When she let go, Enzo picked up the broom and pointed to a little carving on the side of the broom. It was carved into a flower. Well that's what it would seem to everyone else but Brooke knew it was a dandelion.

"Dandelion." She stated while tracing the carved flower.

"A dandelion broom for my Dandelion of course." He said while handing the broom to her. She chuckled and took it from him. Just then seven Gryffindors and two Slytherins came walking down into the field.

"Well wheres the birthday girl?" Said a Gryffindor boy. Enzo pointed to Brooke with a smile.

"Right there." Enzo beamed. Brooke looked at the students who just came down. She didn't recognize the two Slytherins or most of the Gryffindors... except one. Harry Potter.

"I'm Oliver Wood. Have you decided the positions you would like to play?" Oliver asked. Brooke shook her head. "Okay, let's get in our teams and decide a strategy. Kayla, here, will be counting score of the points and Madam Hooch should be here any second to make sure we play fair." He said and then walked to the other side of the field with the team following.

"Enzo... I'm starting to doubt this. I don't even know how to play." Brooke said quietly.

"It's alright Dandelion, You'll be okay. There usually isn't many accidents when playing quidditch." He said while patting Brookes shoulder.

"Okay well, I think Brooke should choose the positions." Said one of the boys.

"Yea!" Agreed Pansy. Everyone else nodded their heads. Brooke got the general idea of how to play quidditch and the positions, she was just scared because she's never played it before.

"Okay, Um. Pansy and you two boys can be chasers." Brooke said while pointing to Pansy and the two boys who walked down with the Gryffindors.

"Oh, I'm James Usher-man and this is Noah Harlock." Said the boy who said that Brooke should choose the positions.

"Hello." Said Noah quietly. He seemed very timid and shy.

"Okay so you guys are chasers. Enzo and Blaise can be Beaters. I'll be the keeper and Draco the seeker." Brooke said slowly while thinking.

"Keeper? You won't get any action in that position." Retorted Pansy. Draco, Enzo, and Blaise tried to stifle a laugh at her words. "Why are you laughing?" Pansy asks quickly. Brooke quickly caught on and shook her head.

"Think about the sentence you just said pug-face." Enzo said while trying to stop his laughter. As Pansy thought, James and Noah both caught on and tried to stop themselves from laughing. This only confused Pansy more.

"Nothing Pansy. There's nothing wrong with your sentence." Brooke said while shaking her head disapprovingly at the boys.

"Maybe nothing wrong, but definitely dirty. Kind of reminds me of the time we met, right Dandelion?" Enzo said with a smirk. This made Draco and Pansy's eyes go wide.

"I get it now!" Pansy said in shock.

"What do you mean it reminds you of when you two met?" Draco asked with a stern face.

"I just said something and Enzo took it too far, as usual. Don't worry Dray." Brooke said while rolling her eyes.

They got in their positions and got on their brooms. Madam Hooch was already here and waiting for them to be ready. Once the Gryffindors got into their positions, they all flew up into the air.

Madam Hooch released the snitch and then the Bludgers. Once she released the Quaffles and blew her whistle, the game started.

Omg, I know this chapter was short also. I just could not keep writing. I am working on the next chapter right now, I promise! Like I said, I'm not going to talk about how the game is played. The next chapter will probably start as "Once the game ended."
Sorry to all my Quidditch Lovers.

Question: Do you think something is going to happen to Brooke while playing Quidditch?


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