Who the Hell Are You?

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Who the Hell Are You?

Short chapter.. sorry

Brookes POV

I woke up, feeling something poking me. I woke up, but I still couldn't see. It was like when you woke up, You were aware of your surroundings but you haven't opened your eyes yet.

"Oh dear, set him over here." Said The voice I recognized as Madam Pomfrey. I heard footsteps and a whole bunch of shuffling.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I don't know, found him in the common room when I woke up." I recognized the voice. The same one from yesterday... Blaise.

"Do you know his name?" She asks. I heard the sound of shuffling pieces of parchment.

"I think his name is Daniel Harlem. He's in my Potions class."

Fuck. Draco hurt him. Fuck.

"Alright- Oh! Hello dear, Shes right over there." Madam Pomfrey said quickly.

"Hey Brooke. It's me, Pansy, I know you can't hear me but it's okay." She said quietly. If only she knew.

"How is she?" Said another voice. Enzo.

"She's fine. Stop asking already." The voice I recognized as my brothers said harshly. I smelled it. The Black Rose. It was strong. Meant for death but to me and Enzo it meant friendship and hope. The scent intoxicated my lungs, all of my senses. Everything went black.

Enzos POV

I had brought the Black Rose. She loved these roses, I knew. The one I gave her on the train, sits right on her nightstand. She does everything she can to make sure it doesn't die.

If only she realized that Black Roses cant die. But I love watching her take care of it. She's so adorable.

I set the Black Rose on the nightstand. Draco had been very snappy. I tried to suggest him to call his parents but he refused. Weird. I knew his parents weren't the best but wouldnt they at least want to know that their daughters in the hospital wing?

I was going to sit down but just then, Her shoulders rise up and her eyes open. She looks around the room confused.

"Cookie!" Draco gasped while hugging her tightly. Brooke pushed him off, a bit too harshly.

"Get the hell off!" She shouted. Weird. We all stared at her, Unsure of what to do.

She looked at Draco, Pansy, and Blaise before looking me straight into the eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" She snaps.

Oop... okay... anyways...

Question: Whats ur biggest fear?


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