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She ran straight to the Library where she knew Cedric spent his time at night. She slowly walked in and saw a faint light glowing from a lamp and there he was, lying on the couch while reading a book. Cedric heard her as she walked forward so he slowly turned his head to look at Brooke.

"Hello." Cedrics kind and gentle voice greeted her.

"Hi." Brooke said while sitting down.

"I thought today was a day for your friends?" Cedric asks while turning a page in his book.

"It was." She said quietly.

"Hmm. Guess what?" Cedric said while turning another page.

"What?" Brooke asks while picking up a book.

"I'm going to put my name in the cup." Cedric said with a wide smile.

"Isn't that a little dangerous?" Brooke asks with uncertainty in her voice.

"It can be. But I'm tough enough." He says with a stupid smirk. Brooke shook her head and smiled.

"I'm sure you are." She said quietly. They were staring at each other once again. It happened quite a bit before. It was a soft and comforting gaze. They found it hard to look away.

They heard a loud and awkward cough. Brooke turned her head to look at the source of the voice.

"Your brother made me come find you. It's time for bed Dandelion." He said quietly. Brooke looked back at Cedric and gave him a small smile.

"I'll see you later?" Brooke asked. Cedric gave her a nod and Brooke stood up from the couch. She set the book she had in her hand on the table and walked with Enzo out of the Library. For a while, they walked in awkward silence.

"A Hufflepuff?" Enzo asked with a smart tone as they walked.

"I like him." Brooke stated firmly.

"I know that potion has worn off so I guessing your saying that willingly?" Enzo says quietly. Brooke nodded her head.

"He's very kind." Brooke said with a slight smile on her face.

"Hmm. Just know if he breaks your heart, I'm breaking his neck. Okay?" He asks with a smirk. Brooke rolled her eyes and let out a small chuckle.

"Sure." Brooke said longly, Clearly thinking Enzo was joking.

October 30th

The sights were wonderful. Blaise, Pansy, Enzo, Draco, and Brooke sat down by each other and watched the other two schools do some performances. Then they had to sing a song, welcoming them to the school. They didn't sing it, Of course. The feast was extra big and tasted lovely.

Then when the feast was over, Dumbledore set out the Goblet of Fire. He dismissed the students for the day and many of them went up to the Goblet Of Fire.

Draco was still iffy about Cedric. But Brooke told him that it would never be anything serious and they were just friends and so Draco let it go. Brooke walked up to Cedric who was standing next to the the Goblet.

"I just put my name in. See that ring of salt? It's too keep out underaged students." He said while pointing towards the ring of salt. Brooke nodded and looked at the ring of salt for a moment.

"I hope you get picked." Brooke said with a slight smile.

"Me too!" He chirped. "And if I do get picked, I'm going to win. For Hogwarts and to show that Hufflepuffs aren't weak people." He said sternly. Brooke shook her head.

"Not everyone thinks that." Brooke said quietly. Cedric turns his head to look at Brooke. He gives a small smile.

"Of course not." He says, almost a whisper. There it was again. That soft and comforting gaze that Brooke couldn't quite figure out. She soon found her almost close to his face as he leaned over slowly. She could faintly feel his breath on her face.

"Brooke." Snapped Draco. She turned her head quickly to look at him. Cedric pulled back and let out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." Brooke says while walking away slowly.

"It's alright. I'll see you later." He says with a smile. Brooke nodded her head and walked over to her brother and her friends.

"What was that about Brooke?" Draco snapped. Brooke rolled her eyes and smiled a fake smile.

"Nothing Dray, we were just having a conversation." Brooke said while walking out of the great hall with them.

"Yea, Just without the words." Enzo retorted.

"Can we just not talk about it?" Brooke snapped. They all nodded quickly, Disturbed by the sudden mood changed, and started talking about other random things.

October 31st

It was surprising to Brooke that his name was picked. It was even more surprising that Harry Potters name was picked. 'He's underage!' Brooke thought. But she didn't care about Harry when she finally realized that Cedric was actually picked.

She didn't think he would be picked. So that's why she didn't really care about it. But he was picked. But she knew that this was a school so, How dangerous could it really be? It can't be that bad.

November 24th

Today is the first task. Cedric and Brooke have been extremely close. Draco hasn't been liking it at all. Brooke would sometimes sit at the Hufflepuff table. All the Hufflepuffs would move away from her but Cedric wouldnt mind and would sit there with her and chat about random things.

She tried to keep up with her friends and brother. Enzo has been supportive of Brooke and her friendship with Cedric. He thinks it's good for her to have friends other than in Slytherin.

But today was the first task and Brooke was nervous, Scared for Cedric. But he reassured her that he would be fine. Over and over, He reassured her. And his reassurance was helpful.

And he was right, He was fine in the end. And that made her feel better about the Triwizard Tournament. She felt like it would be okay and safe so her worries left her.

Draco, Enzo, Pansy, And Blaise were sitting by Brook in the circular stands that were placed in the middle of the Forbidden Forest. Enzo was sitting on the left side of Brooke, For moral support. Pansy was sitting on the right side of Brooke. Draco was sitting next to Pansy and Blaise sat next to Enzo.

Lots of commotion went on for a while. The Weasley twins were selling random stuff and people chatted with their friends. When Brooke kept staring off into the distance, where the tent that Cedric was getting ready in was placed.

The students were already told what the first task was. They were sworn not to tell any of the students who are in the tournament, what the task was.

Brooke had was scared. She knew he had to get passed a Dragon and get a golden egg. She knew it wasn't going to be easy and she was scared of the outcome.

Reminder, Cedric and Brooke aren't dating, They are just friends...
Love, Ivory And Opal


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