🌙 Midnight walk 🌙

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It's a cold night,
But the moon is bright.
And the stars are out,
More than I can count.

It's too good a night to miss,
It works wonders, creates bliss.
It's like a little bit of magic,
Added to my dreams.

I make a wish and it,
Finds the moonbeams.
Stardust floats to the ground,
In fairyland I look around.

I drift away in this wonderland,
Building castles of glittery sand.
Until I find the courage to fly,
Then I disappear through the sky.

And when my heart is free of care,
I catch a moonbeam in midair.
Softly I slide to the ground,
Without making any sound.

Back into reality I step,
All pixie dust from me is swept.
As I walk back through the door,
A little more carefree then before.

By Dolphinspirit88

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