Terms of Endearment

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Not at all to her surprise, Kuroo was waiting for Jade when she stepped out of the library that night. She gave him a smile that befitted her mood; one that didn't quite make it to her eyes but expressed gratitude all the same. Even though it was too quiet without the study group Jade had managed to keep herself occupied enough to only think of them in fleeting moments.

"You came back."

Kuroo was standing not too far off with his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. "I don't like to break my promises." He shrugged with that barely there smile of his. Jade felt the butterflies in her stomach take flight.

"The phrase 'I promise' was never actually spoken." Jade smirked and took a deliberate step towards him. "How are the others?" She asked earnestly. "Yaku seemed almost as reluctant as you to leave earlier."

"They're okay. Couple of us forgot we had plans after classes today is all."

Jade wasn't so sure about that but nodded nonetheless and took the remaining few steps towards him. She thought of taking his hand but instead decided to loop her arm through one of his and lean her head on his shoulder. "And you?" She encouraged, feeling him stiffen under her touch. "How are you?"

Better after seeing you again. Fine, so long as you're around. My mind is in turmoil because I just. Don't. Know. All of these things and then some he wanted to say. He settled on: "I'm okay, too."

Outwardly, Kuroo was calm, collected. As long as his hands stayed in his pockets anyway. Inwardly, he was a panicking mess. Should he move his arm? Was that position comfortable for Jade to walk in? Maybe he should wrap his arm around her? But that might be too much too soon. He briefly considered offering to carry her bag but decided against that. Definitely too much. Maybe even creepy.


He shook away his worries when Jade's voice sounded over the hum of the lights in the bus stop canopy. "Yeah?" She was looking out into the street when he looked down at her. He felt her fingers twitch on his arm, tightening ever so slightly.

"Earlier, when we were talking in the flower garden - despite what we first talked about - it was really nice. Like, really really nice."

There was no hesitation or second guessing in his movements this time. Kuroo pulled his arm free of Jade's grasp and pulled her into a one armed hug. Her arms wound around his waist in a way that felt like she'd done it a thousand times before. "It was." He agreed, fingers toying with the ends of her hair.

The ride to her apartment was short, much too quick for Kuroo's liking. But unlike last time, Jade kept a conversation going. She was insistent on getting a more in depth answer on everyone's well-being, Kuroo's included.

He couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped him. How could he when she was being so damn cute? So caring? "I promise -" Kuroo shot her a knowing smirk "-they're okay. They've just had other stuff to take care of so they've been studying in their free time."

She shoved at his knee with a scoff but her smile was bright. "You twerp!" Jade stood when she felt the bus stop, knowing through habit that she was at her stop. "I'm glad everyone is doing well. But tell them I miss them, will you? Or at least that they shouldn't be strangers."

It wasn't until they were off the bus that Kuroo gave his affirmation. "You're sweet," he added after a breath of silence.

Sweet like honey. Jade suppressed the want to parrot the words her mother often used to describe Lark. She pursed her lips and shook her head instead. "My mother always told me I cared too much for those I've just met."

"That no longer applies though since you've known us for over a year now," Kuroo supplied.

She was thankful for the cover of darkness that concealed her embarrassment. "Yaku was right, that I took the time to remember what each of you are studying. But I don't think he understands that it wasn't just because you guys come by the library so often. Sure, anyone would come to the same conclusions sooner or later but paying a little closer attention to the little things, like what aisles you tend to walk through when you're taking a break from studying or the types of books you check out, even the conversations that halt when I walk up to your table to see if you need anything. It was only about a month or so before I knew."

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