...There is Love

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"I want to kiss you." Stated firmly. His eyes bore into Jade's with confidence. His movements were sure as he closed the distance between them. Kuroo's hands were gentle on her jaw when he cradled her face.

"No one's stopping you," Jade breathed, desperate. She gripped his shirt, her fingers wrapping themselves in the fabric as his waist. Anything to keep him close.

It was slow, like a dandelion floating on the breeze. Their lips ghosted against each other's, teasing at first before crashing together like sword against shield fighting for dominance. Jade conceded willingly allowing Kuroo to lead the charge.

She was reminded of a wedding so many life times ago; of gentle kisses, filled with desire and passion; of late nights laying out in the fields watching the stars; of murmured promises of forever and always. Her hands roamed the expanse of his back in familiarity reminding her of the first night they'd lain together. Jade had curled into his side after as he fell into a quiet slumber, her fingers ghosting over his shoulders and down the length of his back before traversing back up and repeating.

The wall was cool on her back when she was pressed against it. There was a time, when she was in the midst of researching reincarnation, that she had found herself in a similar situation. Pressed against a wall of books in a dimly lit corner, kissed with haste and greed.

They could still feel the others' lips on their own when he pulled away. His breath was hot on Jade's forehead when he pressed a reluctant kiss to it. "I'll be back in an hour or so." He told her, squeezing her hand before leaving.

He was out the door before she even opened her eyes but she rushed to catch it before it could latch and hurried to the stairs. How was he already down a flight? She leaned over the banister, hair falling in her face. "Tetsuro?" He paused on the steps just below her humming a response as he turned his gaze up to meet hers. "Text me when you get home so I know you made it safely?"

The unspoken meaning behind the request didn't go unnoticed by Kuroo. Those words were things you said to family when you parted ways. It was something parents begged of their kids when it was time for them to return to classes after a holiday. To someone on the outside looking in the words may come off overbearing. But to most, they were meant out of care and concern. They said 'I'm here for you even if we're miles apart.'

Most importantly the request said 'I love you.'

"The minute I'm through the door." Kuroo winked.

Similarly to Kuroo, Jade knew behind his words was a hidden meaning. There was no hesitation in his agreeing to the request. No snarky remark on how it wasn't that far to go; that he would be back before she even realized he was gone. She understood just as he had what he was declaring.

'I love you, too' is what they meant.

Jade grinned like the fool in love that she was. "See you soon."


If she were being completely honest with herself, Jade had no idea what had come over her when she told Kuroo that she needed to tell him something. She knew what the repercussion of her actions would mean if the Council found out she outed herself to a Human. The punishment wouldn't just land on her but Kuroo as well.

She showered quickly while she mulled over her options and had a text waiting for her from Kuroo when she got out. Made it! <3

Jade replied with her appreciation and went about busying herself with preparing her apartment for an overnight visitor. She pulled blankets and pillows from the hall closet piling them atop her loveseat much to Loki's delight as he bounded to the summit in seconds. His purr resounding through the otherwise silent apartment. A fresh pot of coffee was put on for Kuroo along with water on the stove to make more tea for herself.

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