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**Harry's POV**

„Ok so for today's lesson you are going to prank some people."

I hated to admit it but I was really excited for today. Louis wasn't as bad company as I thought and actually nice.

"Harry, I don't want to do that...I don't want to be mean", he pouted.

"Louis I think you forgot what I'm here for, ", I answered with a chuckle. "and don't worry, they're not as bad as you think they are."

He rolled his eyes, looking around the park.

"Anyways!", I said loudly to grab his attention again.

"First prank is really easy and not really a prank in my eyes, but you're gonna steal the hat from this guy back there", I pointed at a couple sitting under a tree having a picknick, "do it while you're invisible though and bring it to me. Make sure you're quick so they think it disappeared."

"Ok, I can do that.", Louis said after thinking for a couple of seconds, straightening his posture, and huffing out a breath, slightly jumping up and down.

He looks like a nervous kitten- What?

The demon hesitantly walked over to the couple and stood behind them, thinking for a few seconds and then quickly grabbing the guys hat, hid it under his shirt to make it invisible and ran back to me as if he was scared they could see him.

I tried really hard to not start laughing, but it was impossible with how the guy looked around for his hat and seemed like he searched for someone to explain to him how it just vanished into thin air and at the same time to see Louis look like a little kid who just did something he knows will get him in trouble.

"Why are you laughing?", he asked confused.

"Because" I began but had to stop to catch my breath, "because the guy looks like he's seen a ghost and you look like a scared kitten."

"I look like what?", now seeming more angry than confused.

"A scared kitten. And now an angry kitten."

That just made him angrier, so it had the exact effect I hoped for.

"Now let me tell you something Harold. I know for a fact that I do not look like a kitten. So, in the future please don't refer to me as one."

Or not.

"This started so good why did you ruin it?", I asked him.

"What do you mean? What did I ruin? I'm sorry I didn't – "

"No stop it! Don't apologise. Ever. That's one of the first things you learned yesterday. Don't ever apologise if you want to be evil. And you should do it the least of it all when you don't even know for what.", I interrupted him.

"Okay. But for real what did I ruin?", he asked me.

"My plan to make you so angry that you curse."

"Oh. Well I didn't really use curse words since yesterday. That was actually the first time I said fuck out loud. And I wasn't angry I just genuinely think that I don't look like a kitten so I told you to stop calling me that", Louis told me, like it wasn't the strangest thing in the world that you could hear from a demon, or any person for that matter.

"I...You never cursed before in your life?"

"No why would I?", he asked innocently.

"Maybe, because it is most normal thing in the world?"

He took a breath as if he wanted to talk but I didn't let him.

"Now we have to work harder than I thought, but for now just break down the sandcastle this toddler just built", I told him.

"What! No! I can't do that...that's mean, and they are going to cry!"

"That's what we are here for. To be mean. So now go there and destroy it", I almost screamed because by now I was pretty fed up with him not wanting to do something that was considered not nice.

"No! C'mon give me a different prank...WITHOUT CHILDREN!"

I rolled my eyes and huffed out a breath.

"Alright then. You wanted to go eat ice-cream today. Go over to the ice-cream truck and steal two popsicles for us. I want kiwi by the way."

I interrupted him before he could even start complaining.

"Before you say that stealing is bad, I just want to remind you for the hundredth time today that YOU asked ME to teach you how to act mean, so just do it. I'm waiting."

I grinned at him and he turned around and walked over to the ice-cream truck while making himself invisible.

Two seconds later he came back with one green and one red popsicle in his hand.

"Here", he hands me the green one.

"See? Wasn't even that difficult!", I smile at him.

"Shut up and eat your ice-cream", he mumbled back with a small smile on his lips.

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