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I think they got the message by now.

I play with the gloves around my hands, looking for some way to get them off.

Even a group of people as slow and dumb as them has to be seeing the truth by now. They can't stop any of this from happening. I will get out and I will find a way to fix all of this. It's inevitable at this point. They've run out of options. The only thing left to do is let me go so that I can do it. None of them have it in them to have this end any other way.

It's their only choice and they know it. The only question is how long is it before they actually do it.

Hearing the door open, I can't help but smile at the thought of what's about to happen.

Who did they send in this time?

"Hey DK..."

The sound of her voice wipes the smile off my face.

"Hey Dawn..."

My hands clench into a fist at the sound of the other voice in the room.

"What the hell do you want?"

There's a silence in the room for a while before she speaks.

"We came to talk Dawnie."

Did they really just say that?

I finally look up to see my idiot sister and the bitch standing not far from each other in the room.

"So you finally admit it."

They look at each other like they're confused or something.

That's not a bad act they're doing.

"Admit what DK?"

"That you're together."

Silence follows that for a moment.

"That's not what we meant DK."

"We're not... we aren't together Dawnie."

I can't help but chuckle at their denial.

"Sure you're not."

"We're not DK."

"So you didn't sleep together? I just heard you wrong?"

They have nothing to say to that, trying to figure out how to respond by looking at each other.

"That's what I thought."

"Dawn, you never let us explain. You disappeared before we could tell you what really happened."

I scoff at them.

"Like I really needed a play by play of all the action."

I look between them for a second.

"Actually, now that I think about it, that might be fun."

They both look at me with a weirded out look.

"That's not what we meant Dawn."

"Oh come on, now you've got me curious. Tell me what happened, don't leave anything out."

It takes them a moment to say anything, looking at each other as they do.

And they say they aren't together. They can't even speak without the other's approval.

"Dawn, something strange is going on, and we only barely have any idea what it is."

"Red thinks it has to do with some kind of problem with reality."

Sins of the Past (Book 3.0) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now