The Wrath of Glory

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Who the hell is this?

Some guy is standing a few feet away from me, looking like he knows me.

"I know that we only really met once, and it was a long time ago, but I need to know. Is that you Dawn? God you've grown up so much."

Whoever he is, he seems to think that he knows me. And there is something strangely familiar about him.

"What do you want?"

"I'm a friend of your sister."

That has me step back and he doesn't seem to like that.

Of course he is. How else do I meet anyone at all? They just have to be connected. What's his deal? Am I supposed to sleep with him too? Is he part of some scam my sister has cooked up to try and fix me?

"She and Faith asked me to help protect you from what's coming. They told you about him didn't they?"

I watch him for a moment.

"They told me the idiotic story. What about it?"

"It's not idiotic. He's real and he's dangerous and..."


Both of us look to see a pretty good looking guy in a suit standing a few feet away. The so-called friend of my sister turns to me with desperation on his face.

"Dawn, run..."

Who the hell does this guy think he is? Telling me what to do.

"I've gotta say Ms Summers, it's quite the honor to finally meet you."

Apparently this guy is even dumber then my sister's idiot friend.

"It usually is."

My response seems to make him smile.

All right, I'm getting bored with this guy already.

"Who the hell are you?"

His smile turns into a smirk.

"A friend of a friend."

What the hell kinda answer is that?

"Are you a friend of my sister's or my bitch of an ex?"

"He's their enemy Dawn, you really need to run."

That makes the guy in the suit frown a little.

"Now that's not entirely fair. I tried to be their friend but they made that really hard. They attacked me when all I really wanted was to find you."

I can't help but smile at him for his comment.

"They do have a habit of doing that."

"Dawn, you really should run."

"So... you found me. I assume there's a reason for that? I hope it's not something lame, like you want to marry me or something. I've already done that."

"Dawn, I know we don't know each other that well, but please... I need you to run... now."

"Oh don't worry, it's much more interesting than that."

He seems to be just standing around for dramatic effect or something. For a moment, he looks up behind me before I get his focus back with my question.

"Well don't keep it to yourself then. What do you want?"

Again he takes a few moments for dramatic effect.


"Really? That's all? Revenge? That's your big thing? For what? I don't even know you."

Sins of the Past (Book 3.0) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now