Chapter XXVI -Oneechan-

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Ner words in this chapter: 4,084

"Talking Japanese"

[Talking English]


{Talking on the phone/fireplace/two-way-mirror}

{Text message}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others

Letter /Journal/Book/Newspaper

Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXVI


Monday, 4 September 1995


Usagi accepted the mirror from Luna-chan, to find Snape-hakase on the other side.

{We need to find one for yourself in a way it doesn't call attention from the Muggles.} The Wizard argued. {Is Kusama-sensei there yet?}

{Upstairs with Harry-kun.} Usagi agreed, glancing up at Chiba-kun who had a raised eyebrow. She blushed and stuttered, looking between him and the mirror. "Chiba-kun... this is..."

{[High-tech mobile phone to call face-to-face.]} Snape-hakase immediately interrupted her and Chiba-kun approached to see Hakase on the other side of the mirror. {Only works with who has the other side of the tech. In this case me and Harry.}

Chiba-kun nodded and sat down beside Usagi to be able to speak to the Wizard.

{Harry-sama gave us quite the scare.}

{I know, I was guiding Harry through his meditation when his strike happened. I immediately ordered Tommy to call for Tsukino-chan.}

Chiba-kun bowed his head.

{Harry-sama was looking better when I finally left him with the Sensei.} The teenager offered and Snape-hakase nodded. {Is there any way we can help? I already asked Kusama-sensei to leave his phone number with each of us for in case another strike happens, still...}

{You two can control his strikes when they happen.} Snape-hakase argued, without mentioning that he meant the magic. {Keep him stable until the Healer arrives.}

Chiba-kun bowed his head, not arguing.

{Was there anything you wanted to tell me, Snape-hakase?} Usagi asked, shyly. After all... with Chiba-kun Snape-hakase couldn't be truthful.

{Yes, I got a call from a former neighbour in Harajuku. Apparently, a foreigner was located walking aimlessly around and brought to the hospital back in July and my neighbours suspected that either I or Harry might know who it is, but only now remembered to warn me. The person is in a coma as we speak.}

A foreigner... could it be...?

Chiba-kun bowed his head and stood.

{I'll go warn Kusama-sensei and we both will check if it's any of Harry-sama's friends.} He agreed. {I've met them before; I'll be able to give a positive recognition. And if it isn't there's no need to worry Harry-sama with false hopes.}

{Thank you, Chiba-san.} Snape-hakase agreed and Chiba-kun climbed the stairs. {You shouldn't make two-way-mirror calls in the middle of the living room, [you Idiot Girl!]}

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