Meeting Zonith

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Hi, my name is Natalie. Why dies that matterq you may ask? It doesn't really. I think it just helps to know. Especially when telling you a story about me. 'What story?' Well, I'm glad you asked! It's my favorite. It's about me and my boyfriend. 'Why would you want to here that story?' Well, everyone loves a good romance story, right? 'Not everyone,' huh? Okay, but would you believe me if I told you I'm dating a giant?

Yes, A giant! Why don't you believe me? I promise! Yes, yes, I know That giants have supposedly treated us like prey for years and years since the Growth. But honest, I'm dating one of them right now, he's the greatest! He carries me from place to place, gives me big sloppy wet kisses, and even brings me flowers. He asks me about my day, listens to me. And Is the best for cuddles.

What? Oh, you want to know how we met? Well, I was exploring the forest, right outside of Nor Mania- well yes, I'm aware we're not supposed to be there but it's so peaceful, and there's so much neat stuff over there. Yes, yes, the government says it's dangerous to be over there, the giants would step on you are find you and eat you, but listen. I was out there exploring and I found some, I guess, Garbage? From the giants, it was really neat.

What was it? Oh, well Zonith told me it was just a cup, but it was so cool! Anyways, I was exploring this massive cup, when suddenly it felt like the cup was taking off. I felt like I was in a spaceship. I looked up and there he was! Carrying the cup, I was in. I started shouting at him.

"Helloooo!!" I had shouted. Thankfully the cup was glass because my voice echoed out of it. He lifted the cup and looked at me with one eye. I was so scared. All the things we were told about the giants filled my head. I thought he was going to crush me, or throw me away, or, or eat me. He reached his massive hand in the cup and wrapped his fingers around me. Then he opened his palm, staring intently at me.

"Well hello little one," He began "What are you doing out here?"

"Exploring." I answered. I was really trying to act like I wasn't scared. I think he knew though.

"Exploring? All the way out here? Don't you know we giants roam out here?"

"Well ya! There's no excitement without a little bit of danger.

"Too bad it seems; the danger has caught you." He opened his mouth and put me inside! It was so wet and squishy and warm and gross. And his breath didn't smell good. Then he spat me out back onto his hand. "Ah, I'm only kidding with you." I was aghast.

"You're not going to eat me?" I asked him.

"Nope, not really my thing."

"But they say-"

"I know, I know and there are those of us that do, do that. But I'm not really a fan." That's a little strange I thought to myself. He put me on his shoulder after that. And he kept picking random things up. I asked him what some where and he told me. Finally, I asked him,

"What are you doing?"

"I'm picking up garbage that the other giants just leave."


"The other's... they don't have much respect for nature, or anything living, not even each other most of the time. So, they leave messes wherever they go. But honestly, it's saddening to me. Who knows what we're doing to this rock that we live on? And I think you guys have something to contribute too."

I thought that was really sweet. After that I asked him about Giants and giant culture. And he told me, it was really interesting. After what felt like hours he put me down near Moriah.

"You should head home little one. I'm sure you have people that will be wondering where you are."

"Can I hang out with you again tomorrow?" I Asked him.

"Why would you want to hang out with a giant?"

"Because you're so interesting, and there's more I want to know! And you seem so nice, pretty please?"

"I'll tell you what, if you meet me right here, around midday, I'll show you around Nor Mania."

"Deal!" I shouted, and ran home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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