Chapter 8

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Mercifully, Trelawney let everyone go a few minutes early, as they had all finished their charts.
Bonnie had already put her books back into her bag and was ready to go. The second the professor gave the word, Bonnie jumped up and raced across the room, scuttling down the ladder so fast she stepped on her robes causing her to slip and almost fall.

She power walked all the way to her next class, ignoring George calling her name as she went.
She realised this probably looked suspicious and will probably cause more questions than if she were to just have acted normally. But she felt so embarrassed and awkward. Not to mention her mind was going a million miles an hour.
Could the charts be right? Surely not. How ridiculous. What was she meant to say? Tell George that their destiny was written in the stupid stars? He would laugh at her. Everyone would laugh and call her desperate.
Her mind was racing. Thankfully her last class wasn't with George that day.

She couldn't focus in Arithmacy. Luckily Professor Vector was a teacher who didn't much care for his job and didn't bat an eyelid at a student not paying attention.

Much to Bonnie's horror, Angelina had decided to take the seat at the back, next to her.

As the lesson begun, Angelina picked up her book and placed it in front of her face. Behind it she tried to catch Bonnie's attention.

"Oi, Bonnie! Don't ignore me" she hissed when Bonnie pretended to be busy doodling on her parchment. She unwillingly looked up at her desk mate with what she hoped was a blank expression.

"I saw your charts. You and George-"

Bonnie cut her off with a desperate "Shh!"

She put her head in her hands and sighed.
"I know what the charts said Ange, I couldn't have George knowing!"

"Why not?"

Bonnie gave her a stupid look. "Because! How embarrassing! That's George Weasley! He would have thought I was lying anyway."

Angelina rolled her eyes. "Oh please. Why would it be embarrassing? He's in literally the exact same position as you!"

Bonnie considered that for a moment. It was true after all. Their charts said the same thing. They were friends, this could potentially ruin that for both of them.

She shook her head anyway and pointedly looked toward the blackboard, trying to signal the end of the conversation. Vector was demonstrating how to find the occult meaning behind certain letters of the alphabet, but Bonnie hardly noticed.

Angelina snapped her fingers in front of Bonnie's face making her jump.
"What!?" She growled.

"Bonnie Peers I swear to Godric if you don't tell George what happened in that astronomy tower I'll..." she trailed off.

"You'll what? Out me and my apparent undying love for him?"

Angelina snorted quietly. "Maybe. He deserves to know. Besides, this is our last year! You heard Trelawney, this is our year of passion!" She said the last word using her hands to form air quotes while rolling her eyes.

Bonnie narrowed her eyes at her.
"Can we discuss this later please?" She asked, before she stopped and corrected herself "Actually- can we not discuss this at all? If something is to happen between George and I, I want it to be because he wants to. Not because it says so on a couple of bits of parchment."

"Please Bonnie, it's obvious you both have a thing for each other" she stated factually before leaning back in her chair, smirking and pretending to focus on the teacher.

Bonnie's mouth dropped open before she quickly closed it again. She stared at the girl next to her for a moment, but it was evident she was done talking.
She slowly turned back to the front of the classroom.

This was unexpected information. She thought she hid her crush for George very well. And she has never seen George act in any way toward her but for his usual devious, goofy self. Maybe Angelina was joking, trying to get a rise out of her.
Her mind was clouded in deep thought and before she knew it the class was over. She hasn't even written anything down. She made a mental note to ask one of her classmates for a copy of their jottings later.

As she packed up her books, Angelina leant in and whispered. "Think about it", Before giving her a pointed look with her eyebrows raised and sauntered out of the classroom door.

Bonnie scoffed. As if there was going to be anything else she could think about after what's happened today.

Back at the common room, Bonnie checked the coast was clear before she bolted up to her dorm and closed the door. She decided to skip dinner that night to save herself the questions she knew she would face from George, and probably Fred too.

She dug around in her trunk at the foot of her bed, and pulled out the Bertie Bots Every Flavour Beans her mum had given her to take back to school. These would have to suffice to fill her stomach tonight.

Perhaps they were a bad idea, as the sugar did little to calm her racing heart.

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now