Chapter 21

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Lee Jordan was the twins best friend. He had returned 2 weeks after the start of the school year, due to a trip taken with his father to Australia.
"G'day mates!" He had exclaimed in a terrible Australian accent when he had waltzed into the common room on Monday evening.

Lee was incredibly well liked among the Gryffindors and almost everyone in the common room bounced up to meet him, shouting greetings - including Bonnie.
Even though they were in the same year, she didn't know him that well, as she had only just managed to secure herself a friendship group, that just happened to be the same as his friendship group.
She wanted to make the effort to make a good impression as they'd likely be spending a lot more time together now. He still only knew her as the quiet, stone faced girl who sat in the corner.

No sooner had Lee smiled and waved his way through the pack, that he was sitting huddled in an excited, yet tense talk with Fred and George, out of earshot of everyone else.
Angelina scoffed at this.

"Gosh. He's only JUST returned and he's already back in kahoots with those two. That didn't take long!" She shook her head and said in a mock voice pretending to be Lee "Hello Angelina, nice to see you Angelina, goodbye Angelina."
Bonnie laughed at the accuracy. It was both suspicious and yet, not suspicious in the slightest that they had jumped into a deep, private chat mere minutes after he arrived back at school.
Bonnie shot an intrigued look at the 3 pranksters before she started up the stairs, earning a wink back from George.

The rest of the week, Bonnie tried her best to get to know Lee. He seemed confused at first that she was suddenly a part of their every day life now, he was also confused about the flirtatious banter that was happening between George and her. But he was also incredibly gracious about it and had no hesitation in becoming an immediate friend.

"Always thought you just needed to let loose Bonnie. You seemed like a neat chick but you never really left your corner. Of course happy you're one of us now." He leaned in closer to her. "Not as happy as George mind."
Lee gave her a knowing look. But Bonnie only laughed.
"Lay off ya twat." Bonnie shoved him playfully.

Lee had apparently been filled in on the 'soulmate situation' (as they called it) by Fred. Lee was completely astounded and took to teasing George straight away - as well as Bonnie now that her and Lee were becoming closer.
It didn't bother her anymore when people bought it up, George turned red at times when being teased but really, both of them were passed it and realised it didn't have to mean anything at all.

Fred - ever the party animal, decided to throw yet another party on Friday night, this time a welcome home party for Lee. Bonnie's mind went straight to the last party Fred forced her to go to, the one that broke her heart when she saw George kissing Katie.

She remembered George telling her about how Katie cornered him in the library last week and asked him if he would like to accompany her to Hogsmeade. He had noted the balls it would have taken for her to do that, but he gently turned her down. He never gave a reason to Bonnie why he had done that and Katie had seemed quite put out over the next couple of days. But she seemed fine by now. In fact there were rumours of her being seen making out with a Hufflepuff boy behind a statue on the 2nd floor.

Bonnie was actually excited for this party. She had finally taught herself how to let her hair down a bit, enjoy herself and how to make small talk. Angelina, Hermione and Bonnie were excitedly talking about what to wear and who they thought was going to hook up with who.
Nobody was sure if alcohol would be involved this time. Fred was usually the man for that but last time anyone had talked to him he hadn't been sure if he could secure it.

Bonnie and Angelina were putting the last minute touches on their outfits when they started hearing the beat of music come from downstairs.
"Sounds like it's time!" Angelina jumped up and down and clapped her hands excitedly.
She was wearing a pink dress that stopped short of her mid thigh and wore her hair in a loose plait. Bonnie wore a black skirt with a low cut shimmery silver top, her loose curls tumbling down her shoulders.
Angelina took Bonnie's arm and they ran down the stairs together to see the common room filling up with Gryffindor's, who were clutching plastic cups and swaying to the music. 

The two tall, red headed twins were easy to spot in the crowd. The girls bee-lined toward them as they stood handing cups of drink out to people.
Angelina took a cup and questioned "What's in this?"

"Ah only the best for you dear Angelina! Fire whiskey!" Fred cheersed her with his own cup.

"Damn Fred, who did you score that off!?" She said impressed.

"Snuck to the kitchens, Lee distracted the house elves while I raided the stash." Fred said proudly.

Bonnie was looking around. "Where is the man of the hour anyway? Where's Lee?"

George craned his neck to see over everyone's heads. "He did go to try and sneak some food... Ah! There he is!"
George erupted into applause and whooped for Lee as everyone else joined in.
Lee broke into a huge grin and dropped his arm full of cakes and other baked treats onto a table adorned with a white table cloth. He wasn't overly sure why everyone was so excited to see him, even he knew this 'welcome back' night was just an excuse for a party. But he rolled with it and waved his arms at everyone and screamed - "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now