Chapter 25

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Even with her eyes closed, Bonnie knew George hadn't moved. She opened her eyes again and he was gazing at her apprehensively.

"Wait! Don't shoot!" He held his hands up in mock defence. "It's not just me."
He turned his head and Bonnie pulled herself up onto her elbows, looking where he was looking. She saw Fred, Angelina, Lee, Hermione, Harry and Ron ambling across the grass toward her.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Bonnie questioned, slightly concerned at such a big group of people vacating the castle at this time of night.
George looked gently at her. "Yes, a few things I think." He said sadly.
Bonnie looked at him confused, but still had anger in her eyes. He saw that and inched back slightly before the rest of the group got to them.

"Evening Bonnie, fancy seeing you here." Fred mused as he tipped his imaginary hat at her.
Hermione sat down next to her and said quietly, "A little birdy told us you were upset and that he didn't want you to be by yourself. He thought we should bring dinner and friends to you."

Bonnie was taken aback. "But who... Fred?"

Hermione shook her head with a small smile.
"George." She said smugly as she started to unpack what appeared to be a picnic basket.

Bonnie was shocked. She had been so awful to him and yet he had organised this. She was stunned, just like George was when she yelled at him in the library.
The rest of the group were plopping themselves down haphazardly around where Bonnie was sitting, handing food to each other, talking and laughing. If she hadn't been feeling a wave of emotions before, she most definitely was now. She had never had this before, a group of people that cared so greatly for her - aside from her parents. She felt as though any second now she would blink, and they'd all disappear.

She pushed all those thoughts and feelings down though and accepted a goblet handed to her by Fred. He began pouring pumpkin juice into it.
"Thought about bringing something stronger for you Bon, but didn't know if round 2 would be such a good idea" he chuckled.
She was still speechless and just gazed around appreciatively at the group surrounding her.

Lee was telling Harry and Ron about the spiders as big as his hand in Australia, Ron looked like he was stifling a scream.

Hermione and Angelina chatted about the concerning smell that sometimes emanated from Hagrid's hut.

Fred and Harry were speaking animatedly about the upcoming Quidditch season.

And George was sitting quietly, sipping from his goblet, eyeing her like she was a bomb about to go off.

Soon they were all talking and giggling about last nights events, side stepping around Bonnie and George's run in.
"Did you see when Lee started dancing on the table? Had to hold his shirt down because he kept trying to take it off!" Angelina laughed.

"Bloody hell Lee, nobody wants to see that mate." Said Ron, laughing as he shook his head.

Later when all the food had gone, they decided it was time to head back up to the castle to bed. Fred pulled out the Marauders Map and checked the path to the common room was free of teachers. He noticed McGonagall seemed to be on duty tonight and she liked to transfigure into a cat, so it was tricky to see her in the darkness. Luckily she was in the dungeons at the moment, probably telling off some Slytherins.
Hermione suggested they go up in pairs to draw the least amount of attention - she was stressing out slightly as she did not like breaking rules whatsoever. This just made Bonnie appreciate her all the more for being there with her.

Harry and Hermione snuck through the door first, followed a few minutes later by Angelina and Ron. Bonnie glanced around at the remaining boys, if she didn't strike now she would be stuck with George. She wasn't up to that just yet.
With a quick look at him, she grabbed Lee's arm. "C'mon you, let's go before we get caught."
She pulled Lee through the door quietly as he turned to give the twins a shrug and a smirk.

It made her nervous not having the map with them, she cursed herself for not grabbing Fred instead. Nevertheless, they tiptoed to the stairs and started their ascent toward the 7th floor.

As they reached the 4th floor they heard footsteps coming briskly toward them. Lee looked at her with wide eyes and yanked her arm as he took off toward a statue of a large dog.
"That isn't big enough for us both to hide Lee!" Bonnie hissed quietly.
He shook his head at her and pressed a finger to his lips. He took his wand out and tapped 3 times on the left paw of the dog. Silently a piece of stone in the wall slid to the side, revealing a tunnel. Lee ushered her in as he looked around and followed her.

The stone slid back into place seamlessly and Bonnie could finally breath again.
"Lucky you know about this thing Lee! We would have been dead for sure!"

"Only problem is though, there's no way to see if the coast is clear without opening it up again. We usually have the map for that!"
Bonnie cursed under her breath and looked down the tunnel leading into darkness.
"Where does this tunnel lead to? The Gryffindor common room by any chance?" She asked hopefully.

"It joins up to the one eyed witch statue's tunnel on the 3rd floor that goes to Hogsmeade." He replied before adding, "You can't breathe a word of these tunnels to anyone. It's top secret!"

"Your secret is safe with me." She said with a wink.
They sat and settled back, with their backs against the dirty wall.
"Thanks Lee, for being a good friend... I know it's a fresh friendship and I seem to have bought nothing but drama so far, but I really appreciate you giving me a chance." She smiled coyly at him.

"I'd do anything for my friends Bonnie, and you're one of them now." He smiled, nudging her playfully.

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now