Chapter 50

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After the sandwiches had been demolished, the group of friends trudged back over to the barn to clean up after last night. The last thing they wanted was for Molly or Arthur to stumble across the many empty bottles of alcohol that littered their barn.

Bonnie silently thanked her mother for passing on her magical abilities to her, as most of the mess - consisting mostly of empty cups, empty bottles and a smashed glass or two - was cleared up with a flick of the 'of age' peoples wands.
She was folding a large tartan blanket off one of the bales of hay, when she felt hands around her waist.

"You know, you were really quite the tease last night Bon, very flirty." George whispered closely to her ear.

Bonnie grinned but didn't turn around.
"You must have the wrong girl sir. I would never."

"Trust me ma'am, there's no mistaking you with any other girl in the whole world." He said as he gave her waist a quick squeeze before moving to help her fold the big blanket. He gestured to the hay bale.
"This seat right here actually. I thought you were going to kiss me, turns out you were happy teasing."

Bonnie smirked at the cloudy memory of her hands on his warm body, her fingers ducking into his waistband before she left him high and dry on her return to the dance floor.
She glanced up through hooded eyes to find him watching her intently.

"You're really something, you know that?" He chuckled with a wink, walking toward Ron who was swearing as he struggled to fold away the table.

Most of the afternoon was spent huddled in front of the blazing fire in the Weasley's living room, cups of tea and hot chocolate aplenty.
Arthur had been called into work and Molly was in Diagon Alley with Percy and Bill, leaving the teenagers in the house by themselves.

"It's typical we get the house to ourselves when we are all hungover as hell and don't feel like doing anything." Fred muttered.

"Can't really complain though Fred, surely. I mean, we got the barn last night with zero adult interruption. That was pretty brilliant." Lee pointed out.
The group mumbled their agreeance as they sipped their warm beverages.

Bonnie closed her eyes and took in the ambience of the living room. Her hands wrapped around a large mug of steaming tea, the fire crackling in front of them, the smell of pine and food in the air and George sat right next to her as they shared a blanket. The heat of his body warming her and electrifying her skin.
They were both pleased that nobody had bought up their kiss last night. It wasn't awkward between them, but it was just nicer to keep it unspoken from their friends. Bonnie wouldn't have preferred to spend the day any other way, than exactly like this.

After a few hours of pleasant talk, laughs and snacks, people started to doze. Lee was asleep with his head hanging over the back of the couch, Hermione was lolling her head trying desperately to stay awake as Ron snored softly on her shoulder. Angelina and Harry were having a slow and quiet conversation about quidditch, and Fred and Ginny were sprawled on the rug in front of the fire with their eyes closed and mouths hanging open.

Bonnie grinned at them all from the large armchair she shared with George off to the side. She never in all her life thought she could be this happy and have this many people she loved. She gazed at them gratefully before turning to George who she assumed would be nodding off too. To her surprise he was looking softly at her, as wide awake as she was.

"Not sleepy like these dolts?" He asked, nodding toward the mostly sleeping group.

Bonnie giggled quietly and shook her head.
"No I'm still feeling pretty wide awake from the potion this morning."

"Me too. Say, you haven't even been shown around yet. Want me to be your guide? It's not much, but it's something to do that isn't as boring as sitting here watching Ron drool on Hermione."

Bonnie sat up straight and her lips broke into a big smile.
"Yes! I thought you'd never ask."

George stood and held a hand out to help her out of the soft chair. They tiptoed around Fred and Ginny on the ground and started up the stairs.
"You know the ground floor well enough. Kitchen, dining room, living room."

They came to the landing of the first floor.
"You obviously have been in Ginny's room there, and this other door goes to Bill and Charlie's room. Bill always locks it so I won't even bother trying to open it."

They continued to the next flight of stairs.
"Watch that step, the floorboard is loose." George pointed to uneven step that Bonnie then lunged to skip.
"Now this floor is where Fred and I sleep. That door there is Percy's. Again, won't even bother to open it. It's all just books and paperwork anyway. Very uninteresting."
He turned toward the door with a large triangle 'Warning' sign stuck to it and turned the knob.
"This is my room. And Fred's. But mostly mine." He ushered her in.

Bonnie shook her head and laughed slightly at the room she just stepped into. It was very much the twins. It had posters of Quidditch teams and Bands, half put together gadgets and crumpled clothes on the floor between the two beds, one red and one yellow.

"Which ones your bed?" Bonnie asked.
George pointed to the red one pressed up against the furthest wall.
Bonnie ran over and threw herself down on the red bed. The mattress was thin but it was soft and bouncy.

George laughed.
"I know what that bed is going through right now. You did that exact same thing to me last night" He rolled his eyes at her.
"Speaking of which!"
He walked over to Bonnie and sat down next to her. He gently grasped her arm and pulled her sleeve up to inspect the small graze.

"See? I told you it was nothing to worry about." She insisted.

George nodded and shifted his gaze up to meet her eyes. Not two seconds later, he had lifted a hand to cup her chin and drew her lips towards his. They kissed for a moment as the sparks of their embrace washed over them.

Bonnie smiled through the kiss and pulled back slightly.
"You haven't even showed me the rest of the house George. We are only on the second floor." She giggled.

"It's just more stairs and doors Bon, I'd much rather be doing this with you." He smirked as Bonnie leant back in to start the kiss again.


A/N: I'm sorry these last two chapters have been mostly fillers. I promise we will spring back into action in the next few!
Please don't forget to comment and vote! :) xx

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now