Before the Motor Law

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Chapter Title from: Red Barchetta by Rush

I came around to a crowd of people, the seven people originally sat around the table, two teenage girls, four teenage boys, a middle aged man and some of the staff. Jack had an arm under my head and the most bizarre expression on his face.

"Well that was fun." I smiled getting myself up. The crowd shifted around me.

"Erm... excuse me." Someone tapped my arm so I turned to face them

"Kid she just fainted come back later and I'll sign it for you." Alex smiled at the teenage boy.

"I was actually hoping for her to sign it for me."

Nick smirked at me. I hadn't even told Jack what my job was but I knew what his was.

"Sure which issue did you get?" I held out my hand for the magasine. "Ah the dodge challenger 440, my favorite. I didn't like later dodges for a while they messed up on there carborretta work, the 1970 one they used in vanishing point is a real babe. What's your favorite car?"

"Erm... Probably the Jag XK8 I loved it when I saw it on the show."

"You came to the filming of that episode, I recognise your hair its awesome by the way."


"Well here's your magazine do you want a photo before you go?"

"If you don't mind."

"It would be my pleasure!"


He took out a small camera and I handed it to Nick.

"Say V twelves for life" I winked at him sticking an arm over his shoulder and throwing up a V

"V twelves for life" we both laughed as Nick took our photo.

I said goodbye to the boy and took my seat at the table chuckling under my breath like Nick who joined me and banged the table demanding food. The others stared at me and Nick as if we'd threw up live radio-active kittens causing us to laugh harder and louder.

"Nai-o" My brother gasped before a string of giggles escaped him "Naomie tell them."

I nodded and tried to compose myself, "Do any of you read Hot Iron Motors?"

"There a band aren't they?" Alex asked.

"Nope, its a driving magazine, I do a six page spread in it every three weeks. But I have a weekly column in it too."

"Awesome so is that how the kid knows you?" Rian grinned.

"Sort of."

"Tell them about abc." Nick smiled and I responded by sticking my tongue out at him. "Charming."

"Fine, Hot Iron Motors' manager Will, got me a job as presenter on 'Driven' last year. I film in the winter from january fifth to febuary eighteenth. Its a great job."

Dinner flew by and before long Jack was driving Me, Alex, and Nick home. I decided to spend the night at Jack's which meant Alex and Nick had our place to themselves.

"So what was your review on my car like?" Jack asked me as we drove to his.

"Ah Volvo C40 its a great car but I'm not its biggest fan, however this Volvo C40 I really like."

"And why is that?"

"Cause you drive it."

"Would you say this car has... sex appeal?" he jolted his head around to face me with a sleazy man's grin and a cocked eyebrow.

I swear I never laughed harder

"Yes Jack it has sex appeal, a lot more than your face just then!" I managed to get out.

"Does it have more sex appeal than me?" He did the same sleazy grin but instead decided to bounce his eyebrows.

"No Jack you have more sex appeal you horny skunk."

"Glad to know that!" he cut the engine and dived on me with a kiss chuckling in his throat as he tried to get out of my car door and carry me into the house.

"Way to set the mood Jack."

"Hey, least I tried."

"I'll give you credit for that."

Eventually Jack had carried me out of the car, unlocked the front door and carried me swiftly into 'la boudoire'

Hehe you know what comes next but I'll save it for the next chapter. Please reccomend this to others I'll try and have a cover for this up soon I promise. But yeah comment, vote and love cause I LOVE YOU!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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