I think I need you...but do I truly?

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I wake up to rain drops on my face. I open my eyes and for a slight second I see Nik. I quickly get up and look around, hoping to see him in sight. Just another one of my imaginations.

I gather up everything, I then go searching for a cave for me to hide and stay there for a while. I open my bag and pull out my water bottle to find it empty. I sigh in devastation. I then realise that it's raining so I can just fill it up with rain water. It can't be bad, I saw Haymitch Abernathy's games. There was no river and the pond water wasn't drinkable, so they could only survive on rain water. It worked, so I filled my bottle up and then sat down deep into the cave.

A few hours had passed since I found this cave. The rain has been pouring non-stop and it's been getting colder and colder. I snuggle my legs and my arms together and curl into a ball.

I then hear a branch crack, I get up, ready. Trident in hand and ready to combat. "I don't want to hurt you. I was just searching for a cave to hide in." the boy says, raising his hands in gesture for surrender. He gave me a sympathetic look and asked me if I was interested in being allies. I nodded and since he didn't have a weapon, I gave him a knife to defend himself with.

We are sharing food we have collected. We do save up for future days, but my hunger gets the best of me and I devour most of my food. He chuckles and hands me his apple. I shake my head, "No, it's ok, you eat that." He takes my hand and gives the apple to me. I smile and crunch into it. After finishing our "meals" we decide to go haunt for tributes. Since there is about only half left, we decided we would run into one anyways. After gathering up everything, and get out of the cave. I might be easy to kill, but I won't die without a fight. We walk for a good amount of time before we run into our first victim. A scared looking girl about maybe 15 years old is shaking from fear. We give her a sympathetic look and...oh gosh, I don't even know my ally's name. Well, he stabs her in the heart with the knife I gave him. I turned around while this horrifying scene occurred. I couldn't bear to see someone get killed. After he killed her, I asked him "I didn't even have a chance to ask, what is your name?" "Jason. District 9." He says without even giving me a look. I nod. "Annie. District 4." I say. He smiles and hands me some water. I gladly take it and swallow a big gulp. I clean my mouth with my sleeve and hand back the refreshing water.

We have been walking for the past 3 hours. I am exhausted, but Jason is determined to kill more tributes. He looks and acts like a career tribute, maybe he should have taken my place in the pact. About 5 cannons have sounded. So there are about 8 tributes left. The careers are on fire, or maybe it was something else. "Jason, please, it's enough for the night." I sigh, tired. He looks at me, looking like he is going to argue and deny, but to my surprise he nods and we go look for a cave shortly after.


When I wake up, I only hear chatter. I wonder where I am, I take a look at my surroundings and realise that I am not in a cave with Jason anymore, but tied to a tree. I try to move, but I am extremely secured. I worriedly look around hoping to see Jason and he was just playing a joke, but no Jason was in sight. Instead of him, I see...Rodrick.... "Rodrick?!" "Oh hey Annie. Sorry for that." He says gesturing to me, tied. "Nik asked me and I don't want to die." He adds. I feel my insides burn from anger. Nik is now going to kill me. I wanted to fight him, but before I could think of anything else, Rodrick's eyes grew big and shocked. He then falls and I see Jason with his knife in hand. I look at him in fear. "Annie, I went to go get some berries and I found u nowhere in the cave. I guessed u got kidnapped and found you here." He says, untying me. I finally am free and hug him. I feel safe, but not as safe from when I was in Nik's arms. A cannon has sounded, signaling Rodrick's death.

"Ariel?." Oh no, that familiar voice saying an original nickname. I free myself from Jason's arms and look at my ex...no the person who used me. I stare at him and he stares back in disbelief. Jason seems confused from all of this. Nik doesn't bother even trying to kill Jason, all he does is drop his trident and walks towards me. Jason pulls me from the arm and walks back. Each step Nik walks towards us, we take a step back. "Will you just let me talk to her?!" Nik yells to Jason. Jason's ears become red and that's when I realise Nik and Jason are about to fight to death. Literally. They each grab their weapons and attack. I try to calm both of them but they just gently push me back. "Annie, leave, this is going to be messy." Jason yells. "No, I'm not leaving you alone fighting this..." I stop myself from saying anything else. Nik looks at me with sad eyes and doesn't realise Jason is about to slit his throat, but before he has the chance someone cuts his head.

"NOOOOOOO!" I take a step back. "Ariel, Annie please." Nik Pleads. No, he is a monster. The district 2 tribute has killed Jason. The cannon signifies his death. When she sees me, she runs at me with her sword and is about to kill me, but before that, Nik has stabbed her with his trident. I stand there shocked. I just have witnessed three people dying in front of me in less than 20 minutes. I take a step back, wanting to run away from this, all of this. But somehow, my legs aren't cooperating with my brain and it isn't running towards the other direction. "Ariel, see I will kill for you, Ariel I do really love you." I shake my head, taking my trident with me. "Ariel please, when I finally called you mine, I didn't realise how much you meant to me. The thought of you leaving me has killed me thinking about it. Then Rodrick's crappy mouth ruined everything. Annie, my Ariel, I have always loved you." I don't say anything, I just stare at him. I wish I could believe him, I wish I could. I want to be in his safe arms again, but I can't re-trust a liar. Without any warning I plunge my trident in his chest. I stare at him in no emotions. "An...Annie..." He falls to the ground, blood surrounding him. I then finally realise what I have done. "Oh my gosh, Nik!" I say taking out my first aid kit. He puts his hand on mine, telling me to not heal him. "NO, NO NIK PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU!" I scream, now in tears. "No, I deserved this. It's ok, but you have to promise me one thing," He takes a break, taking a deep breath. "I need you to win. I'm sorry for everything. You deserve better. I have one last wish before..." I hide his mouth with my hand. I shake my head, a single tear falls down. "I want to feel your lips again." he says, he then coughs up blood. I nod. I slowly put my lips on his. Tears rolling down on his face. The blood taste doesn't even taste bad anymore. I just enjoy this moment while it lasts. "I love you Annie." I don't say it back, but he doesn't mind anymore. He is already dead. "I'm sorry..." I mumble in silence. I cry, tears streaming down my face like waterfalls. How can I have done this? I killed him. Was my hatred towards him so bad? I shake my head, then pull the trident out of his chest. Making a disturbing sound when it's pulling out, more tears fall down.

Goodbye Nik....

Hey guys! Sorry if you are mad at me for killing Nik, but obviously he had to die, because there can only be one winner. I still hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will have to reread it, because I was totally fazed away while writing this. My hands were just typing and my mind was somewhere else. Sorry if it is bad, It's really late and I feel tired. I still enjoyed writing this chapter though.

Thank you so much for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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