Alola to New Adventure

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Alola. The place is made up of multiple tropical islands with sandy beaches and exotic pokemon that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. In Alola, pokemon and humans coexist in a kind of relationship that cannot be found anywhere else in the rest of the world. As of right now, an energetic boy (to say the least) with black hair is racing his best friend, Pikachu, on one of the shorelines. The boy's name is Ash, and his mother and he are on a vacation on Melemele Island, one of the four islands that make up Alola.

Pikachu and Ash run beside each other in a neck-to-neck race. "You won't beat me!" Ash stated as he tried to keep up with Pikachu. "Pika Pika!" Pikachu challenged as he ran ahead of Ash. Neither of them spotted a small feline that was laying in their way until Ash stepped on its tail. 

The cat-like pokemon cried out in pain as its tail was stepped on. Ash turned around, startled by the sudden yelp of the pokemon. Ash turned around and apologized to the pokemon for stepping on it's tail, but the pokemon became angry and unleashed a ember upon Ash's face before it walked away. Pikachu tried touching his friend's face only to be burnt. 

He laid motionless for a few seconds until his face started to cool off. He got up and said, "I'm okay Pikachu. Let's go back to the hotel now." To which Pikachu responded with a nod. 

Together; they started to walk back to the hotel, which was only a few minutes away. He remembered that his mother said that she was going to go to the hotel's pool with Mr. Mime. He saw her resting in a recliner and said: 

"Hey, Mom! I'm back!"

His mother, Delia, looked up at her son, "Hope you had fun, Ash!"

"Sure did! We went diving with a Sharpedo! Saw lots of Pokemon I've never seen before! YEAH!" Ash recounted what he did today at the beach with Pikachu copying Ash's movements. 

His mother smiled at his silliness, "That does sound like fun! We have Mimey to thank for winning the tickets for our Alola vacation," She turns and smiles at the Mr. Mime, "Thanks very much, Mimey!"

Mr. Mime smiled back at her, "Mime, mime!"

They all remember how Mr. Mime rolled the lucky number to win the trip, going to tell professor Oak about their trip and Ash giving Oak all of his pokeballs which Oak agreed to, getting on the plane for twenty-one hours, and arriving at the hotel.  

"So!" His mother exclaimed as she puts on her hat, "Shall we change and get going?" Ash looked at his mother confused, "Where to, Mom?"

"Why, to Professor Oak's cousin's place." She responded as Ash remembered, "Right, I forgot."

Flashback to Professor Oak's place...

Ash and his mother knocked on the professor's door. He got up and walked to the door to greet his guests. As he opened the door, Ash ran in excitedly. "Why are you so excited, Ash?" Professor Oak questioned. Before Ash could respond, his mother beaten him to it. "We are planning to take a trip to Alola."  

Before Professor Oak could say anything, Ash ran up to the old man. "Professor Oak! Professor Oak! Could you take care of my other pokemon? I wanna go and catch new ones!"

Oak smiled at the eagerness of the boy. "Of course, could you please put them in this container?" Ash looked up at his mother. She remembered that she was holding on to them for Ash. "Oh, right! Here!" She gave professor Oak five pokeballs which he put on the side. He picks up a container that was also sitting on his desk and says, "Yes, this will work out just fine! I was worried about how I was going to get this to my cousin in the Alola region. Now I'm not." He opens the container to reveal a dark orange egg. Ash took a closer look at the egg, "Wow, an Egg! What kind of Pokemon is it?" Professor Oak closed the container and handed it to Ash, "You will just have to wait for it to hatch to find out." "Aw man," Ash looked at the egg in disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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