A New Guardian

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Disclaimer, i do not own any of these characters, the belong to JK Rowling, i have changed them a bit, but the original characters are JK Rowling's

Severus Snape, the Hogwarts Potions Professor, walked out of Albus Dumbledore's office, fuming. "Why should i have to look after the Potter brat!" He thought bitterly. Dumbledore had asked him to his in his 'Golden boy' for the rest of the summer, after a  lot of persuasion Snape had agreed. "He will not be treated like royalty like he was at his relatives, he would finally install some manners into he boy." Snape mused, as he stalked through the school gates and apparated back to his house.

Unknown to Snape, Harry was not being treat like royalty, he was being treated the exact opposite. A slave.

"BOY!" Harry Potter was sitting at his desk, sketching, when he heard that angry voice of his uncle. He ran down down the stairs, ignoring the pain that coursed through his body with every move. He desperately tried to remember what he had done, it was only a day after his last punishment and he wasn't sure if he was ready for another. He stopped in front of his uncle, looking down, his uncle hated it when he looked at him. "Yes uncle Vernon sir" he said quietly. "I have been sent a letter, about you." His uncle spat, "some professor called Snape will be picking you up in two hours." Harry's heart leapt for a few seconds, he was finally free of the Dursley's but then he realised it was Snape. Snape hated him. Harry just nodded at his uncle, "Go have a shower, pack and then make lunch for four." His snapped. Harry nodded again and fled from the room. "He said four, maybe he would be allowed to eat!" Harry thought excitedly, as he climbed the stairs. Harry hadn't been allowed to eat in days.

Harry sighed in contentment as hot water poured over his body. He hadn't had a shower in weeks. He made sure he was clean before stepping and changing his best hand me downs he had. Harry made his was downstairs into the he kitchen to make lunch. It was Monday so that meant it was chicken ceaser salad. He cut up all the vegetables, place them in a large bowl before adding chicken and the dressing. He set the bowl on the kitchen table, he then set the table and cleaned the kitchen. Just as he had finished, his aunt snapped at him to make buns.

One hour later, harry had twelve perfectly frosted buns. A few minutes the doorbell rang and his uncle barked for him him to get it. Harry opened the door to his Potions Professor. "Hello sir." Harry said. "Potter!" Snape responded, before stepping inside. His uncle appeared behind him. "Would you like stay for lunch, we have plenty?" His aunt asked. Snape nodded and made his way into the kitchen. Meanwhile harry's heart sunk, of course the extra food wasn't for him. He numbly made his way into the kitchen and sat down opposite his Professor. His aunt split the food into four. "Aren't you going to eat potter?" He heard Snape ask. "No sir" harry replied. "Why not?" His professor questioned. "I already ate sir." Harry lied, he'd gotten used to lying, he lied to his friends about the Dursley's frequently so it wasn't that difficult anymore, it was like a reflex. "Is the boy-who-lived to high to eat with his own family now." Snape sneered. "No sir, sorry sir." Scowling Snape said, "finally learnt some manners have you potter." Harry just nodded and looked down, fiddling with his hands. Snape raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, he turned back to his meal.

After everyone finished eating. Harry stood up and collected all the plates and set them in the sink, he turned on the tap to fill it with water. He then lifted the tray of buns and brought them over to the table. Walking back to the sink, harry turned off the water and started to wash the dishes. "Maybe to boy was actually helpful?" Severus thought but quickly discarded the idea, he was only doing it for intention. Once harry finished he placed the and bowls back into the cupboards. Then he he sat back at the table. Dudley was on his second bun, and Snape politely ate one. [Hehe imagine Snape eating a bun lol]

Once everyone had finished, Snape asked "have you packed?" Harry panicked how could he have forgotten, he meant to pack after his shower. He heard his uncles voice. "Didn't i tell you to pack earlier?" "Yes uncle, i forgot." He quickly ran upstairs to pack, he heard Snape follow him. Harry hurried to stuff everything into his trunk. Snape sneered and flicked his wand, most of his things folded themselves into his trunk. "Thanks." Harry muttered before glancing at the stairs. He lifted up a loose floorboard. Snape watched as he took out his invisibility cloak, the marauders map, a sketch book and what looked like his summer assignments. Harry carefully placed them into his trunk. He then walked over to his desk, Snape saw a flash of blonde and blue as harry closed another sketch book. After harry had completely packed his trunk and closed the lid. Snape said, "have you got your wand?" Harry froze. His uncle still had his wand, it had been locked up separate from his trunk, it seemed like his uncle had forgotten to bring it up with his trunk earlier. Harry was about to respond, "no sir." When his uncle burst through the door, "what have I told you about leaving this lying around the house!" He uncle spat, holding up his wand. "Sorry uncle." He said, taking his wand from his uncle and tucked it away. Snape stalked down the stairs and Harry hastily followed with his trunk. Snape suddenly stopped, he turned and flicked it his wand. Harry's trunk shrunk and the boy pocketed it. Snape took hold of Harry's arm and Harry felt and uncomfortable lurching feeling, he felt himself been twisted and turned, he closed his eyes.

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