Chapter 6 Friends

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Keelie's P.O.V

So today there was a new girl at our school. She looked kinda shy and lonely, haven't seen someone look like that here before. I walked up to her and we got along great.

"Hi, I'm Keelie what's your name"? I asked.

"Im Sophie, it's nice to meet you" she said softly.

"Wanna be friends"? I asked.

"Woah I would love that thanks" she said excited.

She looked like the happiest person on earth when I asked her that. I guess all she needed was a friend to hang around with. Later on I guess I'll tell her about my life.

"Tell me about yourself" she said.

"Well my cousin Alexa just died six months ago and now my family is devastated" I said gently.

"I know her, she was my first real friend" she said.

I noticed something in Sophie that I havent seen in anyone else. She looked as if she was holding something in, wasn't sure what it was but I can just tell she is holding it in.

"Have you seen her since"? Sophie asked.

"No you can't see people when their in heaven" I chuckled.

"Oh, well I sure have seen her, she talks to me" she said.

"It's probably a dream" I replied.

She gave me a sad look and walked away. I don't know what I said but I sure didn't mean it. I had a feeling we would be good friends but now I'm not so sure. We will just have to wait and see. She turned back around I saw tears rolling down her face as she walked away. I feel so bad, I'm sure we have all seen her since she died. It's just I just met her I dont want her knowing I saw her too.

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