Chapter 7

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Ragens POV

"He said what?!-" u yelled after hearing what jack said (he said chapter 6 part 2) jack looked at u then looked away he- he believed him?!- "jack listen I-" u tired to say but jack had cut u off "listen? U want me to listen? why so u can tell me even more lies?!-" he yelled annoyed as he stood up "jack no i-" U tried to say again but jack kept cutting me off "i don't care! I'm not listen to u!" He said as he stormed off tooth and Sandy went after him while u sat there u felt something break- well break even more it was your heart well soul u got up "ragen where are-" north went to say but u ran out the front door and flew away from the place quicker than ever before.

Jacks POV

I left the table  and went upstairs to the balcony I sat on the railing when tooth and Sandy walked over "jack...come on u can't just believe-" tooth went to say but I cut her off "tooth she was working with pitch of course he would know what she thinks of us other wise why would she have worked with him" I said putting my head in my hands I felt my heart break I liked her- no- fuck it I loved her and to find out she hates me- it hurt- "jack!" Tooth shouted annoyed making me look at her "she likes u dumb ass!" I've never heard words like that come from- wait- she what?!- I thought "she what!-"  I said standing on the railing "she liked u idiot she told me a week ago!" Tooth yelled before north ran into the balcony "she left she ran out the front door idk where she went" without thinking I flew from the balcony I think I knew where she was back at the lake.

ragens POV

U got to the lake it was the only spot U actually liked U sat on a rock when U heard a voice "sooo they don't want u either do they?" The voice from the shadows made me get up "pitch piss off im not in the mood" u said annoyed "heh that's a little rude ragen" pitch said coming out the darkness and over to u.
U looked up at him annoyed "what do u want" u asked annoyance in your voice "how about u come back with me we can get Revenge
on them ragen!" pitch said looking actually kinda happy

jack POV

When I got there I saw it-  she was talking to pitch!- ugh I knew it!- wait I thought what are they saying?- I made my way closer staying out off sight and heard them talking he was trying to convince her to go with him!- I thought I can't let her!- I shoot ice at pitch he wasn't expecting it so it hit knocking him back ragen noticed I was there and ran over beside me getting her darkness ready and making claws out of the darkness "well pitch 2 agenst 1 if u want to live u better run" I said trying to sound as stern as possible pitch took my advice and ran for it I lowered my staff as ragens darkness disappeared "what's up? Heh- look I'm rlly sorry about-" ragen cut me off- with a hug- "it's fine I get it" she said I hugged her back and after a bit I let go looking at her and smiling "heh u ok? Did he do anything?" I asked concerned "no I'm fine don't worry" ragens answered with a smile "cmon we should head back now-" I said getting ready to say race ya when- "race ya!" Ragen yelled before flying away "hey that's my line!-" I shouted before going after her and headed back to north place.

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