5 || Farm

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|| Y/N's POV ||

|| Flashback ||

"Look here Dream, I know you love me as a little sister and I think this is too much" Y/N exclaimed to Dream who was walking towards L'manberg.

"That is the whole point Y/N. I love you as my little sister so this is why I am doing this" I said without looking at her and kept walking

Y/N grabbed Dream's arm "Isn't this what you wanted Dream? To not give them Freedom?" She said

"Yes I do not want to give them Freedom but with you fighting with the others is what I don't allow. This is why I always kept an eye on you everytime you go out."He said and removed her arms away from his

Y/N kept quiet as she followed Dream to where he is going until they were led inside a van.

"Ah...Finally the troublemakers are here" Wilbur said as he scanned the two to check if they have armour but they didnt so Wilbur guided the two inside. "We have talked about a lot about this girl and this is the time to give out a new law only for her huh?" He said

Y/N scuffed and looked away from Wilbur

"Let's just make it fast shall we?" Dream annoyingly said to Wilbur and Wilbur just chuckled

"Just calm down, I'll open the Book of Laws real quick and take a look of my written law" Wilbur said and opened the book trying to look for the unsigned law, his eyes lit up when he found it "Here we go"

Wilbur handed the book to Dream for them to read it. Dream and Y/N read the book and understood the law.

Dream took the feather which has an ink on the tip to sign on the book while Y/N did the same.

Satisfied; Dream handed back the book and Wilbur smiled.

"It is now official that Y/N is no longer allowed inside this walls" Wilbur stated "Everyone is dismissed"

Y/n and Dream stood up and looked at Wilbur

"This doesn't mean that you guys are still getting Freedom that you want" Dream smirked and grabbed me then threw an ender pearl outside the walls "see you soon, Wilbur Soot."

I closed my eyes and saw myself on the ground

"Come on"

|| Present Time ||

"Alright um....Y/N?" A monotone voice called me which I assume was Technoblade


"Tommy splited us into to two which means you and me needed to work unto something" Technoblade said and I looked at him carrying seeds

"Uhm...what work should we do?" His covered face looked at me then looked down at the seeds "what do you think?"

"Uh- oh- yeah of course, do we have a place to make a farm?" I asked

"Well you can still help me mine to make the space wider" He said and pointed at the place where it was mined a bit

I nodded a him and went inside. I took my time to mine and it took me just 1 hour to finish it.

"There" I said and sighed, I turned around just to see Techno

"Come on, let's put the dirt now" He said while carrying his own pack of dirt

"I'll remove my cloak real quick" I said and look for a clean spot to place my cloak on. After finding one, I put it there then went to the chest full of dirt.

I took packs of dirt and placed it on their perspective places until we were satisfied. After me and technoblade put the dirt, we took buckets of water to place it on the highest part of our build.

We worked unto our redstone work so that we won't be needing to remove the potatoes but just to put them.

We continued on doing the farm for how many hours without talking which was not comfortable so I speaked up.

"Um...Techno?" I asked while continuing on putting the seeds

"Yeah?" He stared at me through his mask

"Uh...isn't it weird to be just quiet? It seems weird for me" I said and stopped my actions

"Mmmm...well yeah it's weird too but look we are almost finished doing our thing" He said which made me look at our work

"Yeah, oh-" I paused and fasten my work to finish everything up. I breathe out after finishing everything.

I stood up but my ankles wasn't in the right place so my balance wasn't equal. I was waiting for the impact of the ground until I felt an arm around my waist.

"You are being too clumsy there" The male chuckled and helped me stand up properly.

While his hands was still on my waist, our masked faces were so close which made my face heat up.

When Technoblade noticed that his arm was still around my waist he immedietely removed it and tried to talk.

"I- Uhm- s-sorry about that" He stuttered out and I chuckled

"It's my fault anyways so there is no need to be sorry about it and...uh...can we move and go there? I don't want us to be just standing in the middle of the farm" I said and I heard him muttered an 'oh'

He moved first before I did, we went to a clean spot and sat there. We sat together with a comfortable silence surrounding us.

"Let's kill this time while introducing ourselves to each other" Techno said and faced me.

I moved so I can face him too.

"My name is Y/N, 20 years old and uh...a part of the Dream Team" I introduced myself

"My name's Technoblade, 21 years old and I don't have a specific or permanent place" He said "Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" I said

"So uh...what are your hobbies in your living?" He asked to me

"Oh I love making buildings and redstone traps, how about you?" I said then asked back to him

He answered my question sthere and that, I answered his questions too. So we were taking much of our time to answer and get to know each other.

We didn't care how much time we were taking now as long as we are comfortable to each other. I liked his company and I hope he does too.

We heard someone entering the place we built which was Wilbur, Wilbur gasped at the sight of our built.

"It is like I am watching an art of an artist" Wilbur said as he admired the potato farm we built

Techno and Wilbur continued talking while I replaced some potatoes until I heard a question

"Did you guys do this the whole time without a break?" Techno nodded and Wilbur, while Wilbur's mouth was wide open at the surprise "No sleep?" Techno shook his head "So...you guys did this for 14 hours??!" My eyes widened

Me and Techno looked at each other and back at Wilbur


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𝙈𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 | Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now