16 || You're here

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The president huffed and gave up. He opened his gadget calling all the needed people in the court then he lead the way and we followed him towards his court house.

Vlad opened the door as wide as it could revealing the Associate Judge, Barrister, Bench clerk, defence/ duty Solicitor, Informant, Judge, Judge's Associate, Magistrate, and other more.

"Before we will gonna do this, we are gonna talk about the case, who is the accused person?" Asked the Judge and we pointed at President Vlad.

The judge eyes widened and asked once again.

"Our President?" We all nodded and the judge sighed, signing the Informant to do his job.

The President and Informant went to a private room to have a talk about the case.

"So...you two are?"

"I am President Schlatt, the president of Manberg and this is my right hand woman, Y/n" I said

"Manberg, ah...that troublesome country...great to see that they have a new President" Said the Judge and chuckled

I chuckled before speaking "Yeah...you should also change the President through elections" I smugly said

"And why?" The judge asked with his british accent

"You will see later, Mr. Judge" I said and smirked before checking every corner of the court house.

It was really big and it was expected since this country is really big and very rich. I looked at Y/n who was really quiet because there were a few eyes on her.

"Hey, you should stop staring at her it is very uncomfortable ya'know, disgusting little shits..." I said mumbling the last three words before the door slammed open.

There were guards behind the man

"I'm sorry but we can't make this pig guy man stop from running, he is really fast" Said one soldier making me look at the man.

It was Technoblade.

I saw Y/n running towards Techno and hugged him making my heart ache. I sighed and looked away from the sight, it hurts me.

It hurts me seeing Y/n with another man's arms and it makes me want to rip them apart but I couldn't.

|| Technoblade's POV ||

I learnt where they were going so I followed them secretly. They were heading west which was the way to...Mantishpa.

They both entered without getting hurt but the guards closee the gates without any second thoughts.

I walked around the walls and try to find a way to get inside these tall walls. I ran my way back at the walls and saw a source of water.

I checked my back if I still have my trident. I unsheated my trident from my back and went in the source of water not giving a care of how much I am gonna be wet.

I aimed the perfect spot on the high building to land on. I closes my eyes and in a matter of second, I got up here.

I sighed and looked for any stairs of ladders. In my right, it is only just another building and to my left there I found a big hole leading below the building.

I searched for any ropes and saw one laying on the floor. I grabbed it and used it.


As my feet landed on the floor there were two guards running to me. I ran on the other direction then to a building that looked like a courtroom.

I slammed open the door and huffed. I felt arms wrapping around my waist so I looked down. It was Y/n.

"Hey...you are here...." I tiredly said

"I'm sorry but we can't make this pig guy man stop from running, he is really fast" one guard said behind me

"It's okay, you two can go now. He is no harm, I promise" Y/n said softly to the two and they left.

She sighed and raised her head to look at me "Why are you here Techno?"

"Because I followed you? I mean- Uhhhhhhhhhhhh" her gripped got a little tighter

"No need to tell me, as long as you are here now Techno" She let go of her grip and grabbed my hand to walk towards Schlatt who rolled his eyes on me.

The judge was looked at me up and down before speaking "...and who are you...?"

"Blood God"

"Blood God? Oh. It's you- Mr. Technoblade..." I nodded at the judge and Y/n nudged her elbows making me look at her

"He knows you?" She asked

"Of course, I am well known as the Blood God so..." Y/n let out an 'oh' sound and nodded

"So Schlatt, what is this for?" I looked to my left who was Schlatt looking away from me

"We have a case to solve and also why the fuck you are here anyways?" He asked in a cold tone

"No need to be cold Goatman, I was here for some...ya'know...fun" I smirked

We all sat down on the chairs of the front row. Y/n was in the middle, I am on her left and Schlatt is on her right.

- - - - -
A/N: I really enjoyed seeing how you guys reacted on my other chapter, it made my day really better-!

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