24 || Bombs and Withers

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Reminders: You have 1 life left.

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It is what you can describe on what is happening in Manberg. Wilbur have gone missing while Techno is continuing his business.

Meanwhile Y/n, she was busy creating traps around Manberg. She set tnts down below and put a lot of pressure plate.

She separated some tnts to prevent some circuit explosions until someone have noticed her actions. It was Fundy.

Fundy ran towards her with his sword on his right hand, Y/n got her sword ready on her left hand.

"Oh come here Fundy~" She smirked at the fox who was still running towards her. Just in a 6 blocks away she stepped on the pressure plate making the first tnt to start then running away from the spot

Fundy who had no idea on what she did so he looked below before it exploded. The explosion flew him away from the spot.

She hid behind a tree to eat a gapple because of the impact. She then run in the other way so she can catch up on the plan of Techno.

She run up behind the Podium and saw Quackity. Before she could use her sword to slash Quackity, there were sounds of starting tnts below her.

"...oh shit"


She got a slight damage so she looked around for a source of water and she saw the river. She closed her eyes before landing inside the river.

She swam up and inhaled some air up to stop the damage. She clutched on her chest as she tried to get as much air as possible.

She laid down at the grown and felt her breathing have been harder. Y/n can only hear screams of agony, cries of sorrowness and cheers of happiness.

The girl got up from the ground and gripped her bow and her arrows while her other hand are gripping on her hair to prevent the headache she was feeling right now.

There were a lot of explosions that happend that caused Y/n's bad hearing.

On the other hand, Technoblade looked up on the big crate the was caused by the tnts without noticing the people who got an impact on the explosions.

There stood Phil and Wilbur, Wilbur was smiling with a slight smirk with his hands in the air and Phil who is gripping his sword.

Wilbur said some words to Phil and got closer to him and making a hug motion towards him, Phil sighed and got closer to him too then did the same motion to him.

The two figures hugged while the sword stabbed through Wilbur.







"Oh no..."

Tommy was unbelievably speechless from what he saw until he turned around and saw Technoblade with soul sands behind him.


"YOU STAY RIGHT OVER THERE TOMMY, YOU STAY OVER THERE" Techno shouted as he pointed his crossbow to Tommy so that he could warn him. "Tommy...do you think you're a hero? Is that what this is?"

"I...I just wanted L'manberg and I-"

"You wanted power." Techno said using his monotoned voice over him

"I didn't..."

"Tommy, you just did a hostile of Government take over and then immedietely installed yourself as a president. Then you gave it to your friend but that is still a tyrant, Tommy."

"I-" Techno cutted him off again

"The thing about this world Tommy, is that the good things don't happen to heroes." Everyone gasped

Techno walked one block further and shifted his eyes looking for Y/n around.

"I guess I'll do this speech alone" Techno whispered to himself "Let me tell you a story Tommy, a story of a man called Theseus." Techno continued on his speech meanwhile Y/n was having a hard time to walk properly.

While Techno was giving his speech to the others he can't help but to glance everywhere to look for Y/n. He tried to shake his thoughts away by shouting at Tommy

"But if you wanna be the hero Tommy, then that is fine..." He climbed up on the soul sands with heads on his hands

"Techno you don't want to do this- we're close to-"

"You wanna be the hero Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!!!" He screamed and put the last set of heads on each soulsands to activate the withers





The withers came alive destroying everything and started to kill people.

Y/n glanced on her body and saw how much her armours are rigged so she had to remove it even though how much it is dangerous already.

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A/N: hæh

𝙈𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 | Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now