Renei and Zebra. Friendship Reunited Part 2

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As stated in the previous chapter, the adventurers split. Renei and Zebra head through a private route where no one really goes. "Where are we going?" Renei asks. "You'll see. Actually, were here now." Zebra says putting Renei higher on his shoulder. "It's so beautiful. It's quiet, it's small, and it's the perfect place for a feared, and quiet couple." Renei smiles and slides off of his shoulder. He reaches for her, thinking that she hit the ground. "I'm fine." She says looking up at him. "My feet touch the ground no matter how high I am. Pretty cool right?" Renei smiles. He blushes. "Yep. Hey, can you cook?" He asks her. "A little." She says. "Yes!" He mutters to himself. "Why'd you ask?" She asks him. "I just wanted to know. Okay. Here's the thing. I need a partner. For battle. Or cooking. It really doesn't matter to me. I just need one. I was thinking someone who can cook and battle." Zebra says. "Oh! Why didn't you say so? I can do both of those things." Renei says. "That's what I'm saying. So will you take this chance, to become my partner?" Zebra asked. If I marry him we'll be together forever. If I become his partner it would be a win win. Lets go along with it. She thought to herself. "Sure! I'll be your partner." She says. "You mean it?" He asks. "Of course!" Renei smiles. "Then will you ma-" He stops. "What is it? I'm listening!" Renei says. "'s nothing. I don't have the ring anyway." He says. He realizes what he said and covers his mouth quick. Renei's eyes fill with tears. "You were about to propose. Weren't you?" She says through tears. "I was. But I really don't have the ring right now. And I'm so sorry that I didn't come prepared. I wanted to propose but, I didn't have time to buy or make one." He says looking down in guilt. "It's okay. I would say yes either way. I love you Zebra! I never wanna leave you again!" Renei says crying tears of happiness in Zebra's shirt. "I don't wanna leave you either. Lets go. The others are waiting." He says fighting back emotion. "Alright." Renei says getting off of him to stand up. She wipes her eyes. She puts on more of her matte red lipstick and nude eyeshadow. Then she re-applies her mascara. "Get it together sis. You rule. Your a monster." She says to herself. "You are a mess." Zebra says. "Your one to talk." Renei giggles. "Oh you." Zebra says. They walk and talk untill they reach where Toriko and Komatsu are. [Skip ;3] Renei and Zebra are riding on the wine camel while Toriko and Komatsu are riding a water camel. [Warning: a drunk Renei ain't pretty. Just a warning for future chapters. ;3] Renei sips some of the wine. "Oh my. This one is strong!" Renei says. "That's why I like it." Zebra says. "You like anything strong. Not to mention me." Renei says while laying on Zebra's warm back. "Damn right you're strong. And stop saying I like you because your strong! I love you because you're beautiful!" Zebra says looking back at her. She is asleep. "Humph. Drank too much I guess. Oh well. Sleep well my love." Zebra says looking back to kiss her forehead. Within about 5 minutes, Komatsu and Renei fall into the sand. Within the 5 minutes they fell, the men are just noticing. [Honestly, I always thought that the four kings were awesome, but incredibly stupid. That's just my opinion. The moto: Sexy but Stupid. In my opinion.] "Wake up. We're almost the-" Zebra stops in shock. "Where is she?!" Zebra shouts. [Let's skip they're panic attack shall we?] Renei and Komatsu are falling through the sand. They are squeezing each other. Screaming. "ZEBRA! HELP US!" Renei cries. [Kay so we gonna skip because I forgot this part.] Komatsu and Renei are in the pyramid. With the boys looking for them. In the midst of all of that, Zebra lost his voice and can no longer track them. So the boys are killing and eating things so Zebra can get his voice back. "It's really scary down here." Renei says, not noticing that she's hand in hand with Komatsu. "Got that right." Komatsu says. A monster comes from out of nowhere. "What is that?!" Renei shouts. "No, no Renei San. Be quiet. It could hear us." Komatsu whispers timidly. "Your too scary. Man up a little would you?" Renei says walking up to the monster. "Ugly thing. Your scared of this? I could kill this one in an instant. Watch." She says to Komatsu. She powers up. "Frying Pan Punch!" Renei shouts. "She has the frying pan move? That's so awesome." Komatsu whispers. [The frying pan punch move is hitting someone with the strength of a metal frying pan. Depending on how hard she hits, she could break or dislocate a bone in her victim's body.] Within a few more of her moves, the monster is knocked out. "I told you I could do it!" She says proudly. "That was amazing Renei San!" Komatsu shouts. "Don't give me all the credit. I had help." She says. "Who helped you? I don't see anyone around." Komatsu says looking around. "Idiot. I got help from Zebra's word. I heard him tell me, 'dont die' and 'your strong' while we were falling. And, when he says things like that, I feel stronger." Renei blushes. "What kind of relationship do you guys have? Has Zebra San always been so scary?" Komatsu asks. "We are boyfriend and girlfriend, and no Zebra has not always been scary. He's actually a really nice guy." Renei blushes more. "One more question. Why do you blush everytime someone says Zebra San's name? Did he do something to you that you remember and you can't stop thinking about it?" Komatsu asks. "A bit personal but, I blush because......because I love him a lot and I really can't describe how I feel for him. But, he did do something that I will remember for ever." Renei blushes a bit more. "He..slept with me when we were younger. He told me that he wanted to be my boyfriend and I was only 11. We have a few years difference so it's only natural that I turned it down. But he slept with me every night since I turned it down. And, I finally said yes when I loved him enough to say so. And, that's how far we've come today." Renei says holding her arm close to her body. "That's a lot of relation Renei San. If he proposes to you, as your friend, I'll be the chef for your wedding!" Komatsu says. "Thanks Komatsu! And Zebra would probably want you to be the chef for our wedding. So no problem there." Renei smiles. "Hey we've been talking so long. Where are we?" Renei asks. "Uh......Oh! I see something up ahead. What are those?" Komatsu asks. "They look like...barcodes?" Renei says. "What are barcodes here for?" Komatsu asks. "Let me see your bag. There should be something in here." She says. "Here." Komatsu hands her his bag. "I found something." She says pulling out the pellet. "That's the thing me and Toriko San got from a stand back in the first town. What would this thing do in a situation like this?" Komatsu asks. "I got it! Scan the barcodes with this thing!" Renei says. She scans a barcode. "The screen is red. Lets try this one." She scans another barcode. "It's blue. This way!" Renei says. "Your the boss." Komatsu says. After scanning a few more barcodes, they run into something confusing. On the boys' side, Zebra finally got his voice back. "Echolocation: Echo Map." Zebra says pulling up the voice map. "Wait! Don't go that way!" He shouts. Renei and Komatsu run into the beast that rules the pyramid, the Salamander Sphinx. "Crap! I can't fight this one! Run!" Renei says. "Damn it!" Zebra says. "Cover your ears." Zebra says. "Way ahead of you." Toriko says hiding behind a pole high his ears covered. "SOUND BAZOOKA!" Zebra says letting his Sound Bazooka hit the ceiling and destroying a few floors. Renei, Komatsu, and the Salamander Sphinx come crashing down. Renei screams. She looks around. She sees Zebra and runs to him. "I was so scared. Where were you?" Renei asks crying into his shirt. "I was looking for you. But I'm here now. It's alright." Zebra says hugging Renei but death staring at Komatsu. "How much did she tell you?!"Zebra shouts at Komatsu. "She told me a lot about you two. I even know some secrets about herself!" Komatsu smiles. "Don't get cocky. You don't need to know everything about her." Zebra says. "How does she like this guy? He's too scary". Komatsu mutters to himself. "I HEARD THAT!" Zebra shouts at Komatsu. "Don't kill him, Zebra. He's my friend. He says if we get married he'll be the chef!" Renei smiles at him. "Oh really now? You said that?" Yep! I'll be at your service!" He says. [Pulverize the Sphinx, yata yata, the thing steals it and here we are.] Something came from behind him and stabbed him through the chest. "KOMATSU!" Renei cries. He falls to the ground, helplessly. [Beware. Toriko's panic attack is headed your way.] Toriko looks behind him. He sees Komatsu. On the ground, not moving. Zebra sits Renei to the side. The something looks at Zebra and sneaks behind Renei. It's stabs her too. Her eyes go soulless. "RENEI!" Zebra shouts letting his power go off the charts. "You picked a fight with the wrong boys." Zebra growls at the something. [Please comment and tell me what the hell that GT Robot looking thing is. Because I has no clue.] Zebra and Toriko charge at the thing. The hit a few attacks on the thing. It's still alive. So they do a combo and the thing is dead now. "Looks like the ones we thought were dead are okay." Zebra says. "What do you mean?" Toriko asks. "Look." Zebra points at Renei and Komatsu. With eyes full of tears, Renei runs to Zebra. "I just wanna go home." She cries. "It's alright. We'll be out in a minute." As soon as he said that, the Salamander Sphinx cried out more Mellow Cola. [For some reason the thing cries the stuff.] "It's a lot this time!" Toriko says. [Skip because I can. ;3] They leave the pyramid. Toriko and Komatsu are at the beach. Fangirls come to surround Toriko. "Get outta here." Rin fumes. Everyone tenses up and leaves. "Rin!" Renei shouts. "Oh my god your here! Oh are you okay? Did he hurt you when he saw you?" Rin asks. "Rin I'm fine! Really. It's just that....I might be getting married sooner than I thought." Renei says holding her head down. "Please don't kill me." She squeaks. Rin's face goes a bit dark. "YOUR GETTING MARRIED?!" Rin asks, anger spiking off the walls. "You can't blame me! He didn't have the ring but said he'd have it sooner! I love him! You can't say you wouldn't say yes to Toriko's proposal! And I couldn't turn down his. Plus it's not official. He didn't have the ring." Renei fumes. "I'm telling Sani next time we see him." Rin giggles devilishly. "NO NO NO NO PLEASE! Don't tell him! I'm begging you! He'll kill me. You both told me not to fall in love. Please don't tell him." Renei begs looking down. Rin pulls out her phone. Renei looks. "NOOOOOO! HE'LL KILL ME! HE TOLD ME IF I FALL IN LOVE HE'LL KILL ME! SPARE MY LIFE BIG SIS!" Renei shouts with her eyes tearing up. "Who are you in love with?" Rin asks giving Renei the evil side eye. "Z..z-" She stops. "ZEBRA'S THE MAN I LOVE AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" Renei fumes. "That's even more of a reason for me to tell Sani. HE ESPECIALLY SAID NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ZEBRA!" Rin shouts and texts Sani. Renei is crying. "Please!" Renei cries. "Text sent, your ass is grass. Sorry I had to do that, but you know what happens if one of us falls in love." Rin says. "Your in love." Renei mutters. "THAT DOESN'T MATTER!" Rin shouts. "You never know. Sani might be in love too ya know. Maybe that Nikiya girl. I don't know." Renei says. "Fine. He still needs to know that Zebra might become his brother in law. I'll tell him not to hurt you, just, try not to have 100 kids with the guy!" Rin laughs. "Let me go disobey that rule." Renei jokes. [Skip to the curry making part and Zebra comes.] Zebra comes to the beach. Everyone in line for the curry is now terrified. "Oh Zebra I didn't know you'd come!" Renei exclaims. "Same here. Your bathing suit. It looks good on you." Zebra says. The bathing suit is a bikini top and bottom. It's purple and pink with flowers on it. More skin than bathing suit is showing. "Thanks. You look revealing enough as well." Renei says giving him a hug. He smiles. "Hmph. I expected something different from you two. Bet you liked each other on first sight." Rin says. "Kinda. He's bigger, warmer, and I really like it." Renei says. "Feels so much better compared to big bro's arms. Don't kill me." Renei says. "I wonder where he is now anyway." Renei says. "Probably at a spa shop." Rin jokes. "Oh! What if he heard you say that?" Renei laughs. "It's probably true!" Rin laughs. "Then again your right. If he did come here all that grease on his skin would turn into a sunburn!" Renei laughs. The two sisters laugh. "Your actually right!" Rin exclaims laughing like a snob with her friends. The two sisters go to sit together. Of course, Rin clinged on Toriko, walk together. They all watch the fireworks and talk together like family should.

Okay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please stay tuned for Chapter 4: Renei's Tears of Love. Four Beasts Nearly Kills Zebra and The Others!

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