The Wedding Day is Here! Excitement and Tears!

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The wedding day has arrived! News teams, newspaper writers, reporters are at this wedding to see the scariest man alive marry a woman. Sunny, Rin, Nikiya, and Lana are all in Renei's dressing room. "How do you feel?" Sunny asks. "Terrified." Renei mutters. "Don't worry. I felt this way on my wedding day." Nikiya says. Renei puts her hand on her heart and feels it beating faster than fast. "Whew. It's almost time." She says. "I'm scared!" She says with a smile. Sunny brushes her hair and puts in her tiara. "Go ahead sis. I'll walk you." Sunny says. The girls rush to their positions as bridesmaids. Sunny and Renei walk down the isle. "Do you, Zebra, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The pastor asks. "I do." Zebra says. "And do you, Renei, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks. "I do." Renei says. "You may kiss the bride!" The pastor says. Renei looks down. "Don't be afraid. Just kiss me." Zebra says kissing her. "My baby sister." Sunny whispers. "She's grown up." Coco says. "If only mom and dad were here to see this." Sunny mutters. Renei starts to cry. "I'm so happy right now." Renei says through tears. Zebra hugs her. "How long do you wanna wait before becoming parents?" Zebra asks. "Does it matter? As long as I get my fun I don't care." She says. "Watch it. It's too early for that." Sunny says. "Whatever." Zebra says. Renei goes to talk to the girls. "I did it! I'm married!" Renei says through tears of happiness. "Sis! I'm so proud of you!" Rin says hugging Renei. "I'm so freaking happy!" Renei says. "We get it." Sunny mutters. "Dance with me babe!" Zebra says taking Renei by the hand and pulls her to the dance floor. Again, they effortlessly glide across the dance floor. "Happy to be mine?" Zebra asks. "Yes." She says with her face in his chest. "Whatcha say about because parents? It'd make my day to have my hands on yer body." Zebra says. "It'd be nice if you touched me now." Renei smirks. He squeezes her breast. "Still want me to touch you?" He smirks. She blushes a bit red. "We'll continue at home." Renei says. "I built us a house in the gourmet world. You'll love it." Zebra says. "Y..yeah.'re s..still s..squeezing" Renei mutters. "Oh. Sorry. Your body just feels nice against my hands." Zebra says letting go of her. "Why am I suddenly afraid?" Renei mutters. "You remember when I said that you weren't used to seeing me? Well, now that we're married, I, have freedom to do whatever I please to make you afraid of me. You ask me to stop going, I won't. If you know which going I mean. If you want me to stop squeezing you in places, I'll squeeze harder. Afraid yet?" Zebra smirks. "I...don't know anymore. I love you, but you turn me on too easy." Renei mutters. Zebra winks at her. After they dance, they look at their cake. "No one told me there was cake!" Renei exclaims. "Okay, it's my fault you didn't know that." Zebra says. The beautiful teal and blue frosted cake has a very detailed design of Renei and Zebra dancing on top of the cake. White icing puffs surround the 3 layer cake. It reads "Congratulations Renei and Zebra!" Renei's eyes light up at the sight of the cake. "Can we cut it now?" Renei asks. "Whatever you want." Zebra says cutting them both a slice of cake. They feed each other forkfuls of cake. "You've got some on your nose." Zebra licks the icing off her nose. "There's some on your cheek." Renei says with a full mouth. She licks the icing off his cheek. He chuckles. After about an hour and a half of partying, they go home. "Careful. We live down here." Zebra says. "Ready? I'm gonna jump. Count to 3." Zebra says. "1, 2, 3!" Renei shouts. He jumps off the cliff into the gourmet world. "You can open your eyes now." Zebra says. When she opens her eyes, she see a beautiful crystal castle. "Is this....ours?" Renei asks. Zebra nods. "You built this? It's beautiful!" She exclaims. They go in. "It looks so modern. I love it!" She exclaims. "Took me weeks." Zebra says showing her all the new scars on his hands. She rests her head on his neck. "This is our bedroom. Took about an hour to this." He says. "Wow." She gets off his back. She plops down on the bed and sighs. "Unzip this for me please." Renei mutters. He unzips her dress and lets it fall to the floor. She undoes her underclothes and puts on Zebra's hoodie. She sniffs it and sighs. "Good to be home." She says. Zebra lays down next to her. He cuddles with her. "I'm ready." Renei says. "For what? What we started at the festival?" Zebra sits up. She nods. "Well. I'd never expect you to ask that. But count me in." Zebra says ripping off both of their clothes. [For a good reason, I shall not describe this scene.] About 10 hours later, they lay tired together in their bed. Trying to catch her breath, Renei mutters something under her breath. "I feel pregnant already." Renei mutters tiredly. "Rest. You'll feel better soon." Zebra says rolling over to cuddle Renei. "Easy now. I'm still hurting." Renei mutters. "Hon, your mouth is foamy." Zebra mutters. "I..can't wipe it." She mutters quietly. "I'll do it." Zebra says wiping off her foamy, wet mouth. She groans painfully. "It hurt so much but it felt so good." Renei mutters. Zebra kisses her. "I told you, you'll feel better in a few hours. I'll make you something to drink." Zebra says crawling out of bed. "Can I get a soda?" She mutters. Zebra gets her a soda. "Here." He tosses her the soda. He helps her sit up to drink it. Once she sits up, Zebra helps her to drink some. She smiles a little. "You squeezed me too hard. My boobs hurt now." She mutters. He nervous laughs. She collapses her head onto his shoulder. Soon, Renei receives a call. "Oh. It's big bro and big sis." Renei mutters. Zebra reaches for her phone answers the call, and puts it on speaker. "Hello?" Renei mutters tiredly. "Oh gosh! Why you sound so tired?" Rin asks. "Turn your video on sis." Rin smirks. "I can't. I look terrible." Renei mutters. "Let me see!" Rin says. "You're annoying." Renei mutters turning her video on. "Oh my goodness. Who did that to you?!" Rin shouts. Renei puts the camera on Zebra. "My bad!" Zebra nervous laughs. "Zebra you goddamn monster!" Rin shouts. "I said sorry!" Zebra shouts. Sunny un-mutes himself by accident. He's crying. "Big bro? You okay?" Renei mutters. "I..I'm o..okay." Sunny says through tears. "Turn your video on." Rin says. "I don't wanna. I look disgusting." Sunny mutters. "Come on. Just do it!" Renei mutters. Sunny turn on his camera with his face covered. "Uncover please." Rin says. He uncovers his face. "He's crying. Aww big bro! I'm okay! I promise!" Renei smiles. "I..I can't take this. I don't want you to grow up and leave me. I'm not ready for nieces and nephews yet." Sunny cries. Renei's eyes tear up. "I'm sorry. I gotta go." Renei says leaving the call. "My poor brother. Just wait till Rin gets married." Renei mutters sadly. Zebra hugs her. "Can you move now?" Zebra asks. "I can move. I don't think I can walk though." She mutters. "Can you at least sit up to kiss me?" Zebra mutters. Renei giggles and kisses him. She stays in his arms until she falls asleep. She wakes up a day later. She yawns. She looks at Zebra. "You poor baby. You missed me didn't you?" Renei asks. He hugs her tight. "Don't sleep anymore!" Zebra mutters. Renei puts her hand on her belly. "I'm gonna go to the store. You stay here. I'll be back in 20 minutes." Renei says getting out of bed. She puts on a simple dress with some sandals. She heads to the store, only to pass by Sunny and Nikiya. "Hey you guys! Aww my little nieces are walking now!" Renei smiles. "What are you here for?" Sunny mutters. "A test." She mutters quietly. Sunny's eyes go soulless. "A t..test?" Sunny mutters. Renei nods. The cashier rings up the test, along with a treat for Zebra. She pays the amount she owes. "Have a good day ma'am. And congratulations if you're really gonna have a baby!" The cashier says. "Thank you! You do the same!" Renei smiles. She walks home. "I'm back!" Renei says putting her purse down. Zebra jumps on her. "20 minutes is too long! I missed you!" He mutters. "Easy Zebra. I got you a treat!" Renei says. She tosses him the large piece of meat she bought for him. "Thank you." He mutters. She smiles and walks into the bathroom. She takes the test. "Positive." She mutters quietly. She cries tears of happiness. She puts the positive test in a small gift box, and walks out of the bathroom. She tells Zebra to sit on the couch and wait there. "He'll be so excited." She smiles. She walks into the living room with the box in her hand.

That is the end of this chapter! Stay tuned for chapter 8: Pregnancy?! Month 1: Getting Used to It!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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