Renei and Zebra. Friendship Reunited!

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[This is a big skip around story. So when I don't remember a character'a line, I'll skip it. Enjoy!] A few years passed from that restaurant incident. Now, all are on the Gourmet Carriage. They stop near Honey Prison. "In honor of the friendship of the heavenly kings, would you guys like to go see Zebra with me?" Toriko asks sweetly. "No way!" Sani and Coco reply. "Come on big bro! Please?" Renei asks sweetly. "No way." He replies coldly. "Meanie." Renei mutters walking out of the room with Toriko and Komatsu at her sides. She looks back and pouts at Sani. "Come on!" Toriko says tugging her a bit. "Coming!" She says looking angrily at Sani. They get off the carriage. They start walking to the entrance. "I hope this is enough for Zebra." Toriko says. "It's not nearly enough, dumbass." Zebra says over a sound bullet. Toriko tenses up. "Hm? What is it?" Renei asks taking out one earbud. "It's nothing." Toriko lies. He continues talking to Zebra until they make it to the entrance. Once they get to the entrance, someone comes out to greet them. "Greetings. My name is Oban." [I have no idea what the man said so I'mma skip this part.🤣] Once Oban greets them and let's them in, he explains Honey Prison's full course. Renei, not even listening, is listening to music on her smartphone. No one sees it because it's in her pocket. [Her music is really loud so she won't hear the Sound Bazooka.] They walk to cheif Love's room. They all look down when she comes out. Renei takes an earbud out and raises an eyebrow. "Your chief, is a child?" Renei laughs. "I'm not a child! Just take a look at me." Cheif Love says. She looks. "Your a child. I see no difference. Guys let's go I don't like it here." Renei says and then looks at the boys that are with her. "Such a beauty!" Toriko and Komatsu say looking ridiculous as ever. "WHAT THE HELL?! THAT IS A CHILD." Renei shouts. "I think that's enough Cheif Love." Oban says. Love giggles and turns the pheromones off. "Zebra's the only type for me." Love says. "Excuse me cheif, but, did you just say you liked Zebra? Like the one I grew up with and fell in love with?" Renei asks with her eyes turning red. "I did. So. I don't care if you grew up him." Love says. "Mother fuc-" She stops. "Lets go. Can we just get him and get out?!" Renei shouts with her eyes tearing up. "Yeah. Cheif, cam you show us where Zebra is?" Toriko asks nicely. Cheif Love gets up. "Come on." She says. Renei rolls her eyes and puts her headphones back on. "Mother fucker." Renei mutters. Her eyes turn back to the light blue they were before. They get to Zebra's chamber. Renei looks inside. That's not the man I grew up with. He was...smaller! Renei thought to herself. She turns her music up more. The execution beasts start pulling. Zebra stops them. "Looks like this is the last day I'll be playing with you guys. See ya." Zebra says. "Wait! Crap! Guys cover your ears!" Toriko shouts. He pulls Renei down. "If your music is loud enough don't take off your earbuds." Toriko whispers to her. "Mkay." She mutters. "SOUND BAZOOKA!" Zebra shouts. The room shakes. Everyone except Love screams. Once the room stops shaking, they all stand. "What the hell Zebra?! You tryna kill us too?!" Toriko asks. "Looks like the world's pretty boring without me." Zebra says. "Indeed it was." Renei mutters. "The girl gets it." Zebra says looking at Renei. "That's Renei! Remember?" Toriko says. "I remember the name but not the girl." Zebra says. "You'll remember when you see her. She's here if you wanna say hi." Toriko shouts and nudges Renei. "What?!" Renei shouts taking out her earbud. "Say hi. You liked him remember?" He says making a face at her. She hits him and blushes. "SHUT UP!" Renei shouts. "Don't be scared. I liked you too and you know it, Renei." The deep voice hit Renei. him. It is Zebra! She thought to herself. The voice hit her like a thousand hearts in the head. She hurries and puts her earbuds in and tries to stop blushing. "I knew you would remember." Toriko says. "Alright. Get him out of there." Toriko says. "With pleasure." Oban says. [Skip! ;3] Komatsu cooks food for the boys to eat. Renei, sitting in a corner, lets out a bit if singing. "Wish you were here right now. All of the things I'd do." She sings. Remembering that Zebra can hear everything, she blushes and repeats, "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Zebra walks over to her. "Voice as beautiful as ever. I remember now." Zebra says extending his hand to her. She takes his hand. "You've changed a lot." She says putting her smartphone and earbuds into her mini purse. "Your body has changed a bit more." He says pulling her closer. "You've gotten bigger. I like it." She says rubbing his chest. He gets on his knees to match her height. He gives her a kiss. On the lips. She blushes. "Remember we used to do that?" Zebra asks. "Yeah. Your kisses were nice. And they're even nicer now." She smiles. "You are the same sweet guy I remember." Renei smiles and stands. "Alright. Go eat. I know you want to." Renei giggles. As he walks back to the table, we waves back at Renei. She sighs with love in her tone. I told Rin I wasn't gonna fall in love. I'm sorry sis. I failed you. Please don't kill me. Renei thought to herself. Her stomach growls. "Mmm I'm starving." Renei mutters to herself. "Come over here if your hungry. You see the food and not even approaching it." Zebra says pulling up a chair for her. She remembers the restaurant incident. "You did the same thing when we were kids. In the restaurant. You really haven't changed have you? Ya big softie!" Renei says. "If he's been in jail, how is he still a big softie?" Love asks Renei angrily. "Well, I knew him, since I was a year old. And, as I got older, we've, been on countless dates, kissed a countless amount of times, and, by now, we're ready. To be married. Basically saying, he's a sweet man. And my man. Back off, Chief Love. No. Chief Hater." Renei insults. "Your insult skills are amazing Renei San! Where did you learn?" Komatsu asks. "You really think, that, my older siblings haven't taught me how to insult by now? I'm 19 years old. Come on. They've been teaching me since I made into Papa's house!" Renei says. "I added in lessons on her free time." Zebra says. Renei pops some chicken into her mouth. "He did teach me for half a day everyday when I was old enough to curse. And to be honest, I'm still taking classes!" Renei laughs. "You naughty girl!" Zebra teases. "What? I wasn't supposed to say still taking classes, baby?" Renei say looking at Cheif Love with a smirk. I see what she's doing. Zebra thinks to himself. "No you really weren't. But it's okay, babe." He says. The power couple looks at Love. Love pouts. Renei giggles. "I love doing that to people. Remember when we were boyfriend and girlfriend we did this? We wore the fake rings and everything. I still have mine. See." Renei says pulling out the small paper ring. "I remember those! I have bigger hands now so I can't wear one anymore. But a can fit a real one. I'm sure one would look good on your hand." Zebra smiles. "Is that a proposal? If so yes please!" Renei laughs. "That was preparing you for what you're gonna here from me when I do propose." Zebra says. Renei makes the adorable face she made when she first became friends with Zebra. "Don't make that face at me. You know what I can do now that your old enough right?" Zebra asks getting a little to close to her face. "Not here! Later." Renei says. "You two seem close." Komatsu adds. "As long as I'm not cocky he'll stay with me. But I get cocky anyway." Renei says acting a bit cocky. "Not a good choice out in public like this." Zebra says. "It's called getting cocky with my body." She whispers to Zebra. "You want this. Don't you?" Zebra asks licking his lips. Renei winks and walks back to her corner. "Damn. We're still in public." Zebra says. [Skip! ;3] They leave Honey Prison. "Why does she act so much like Rin?" Toriko asks watching Renei cling to Zebra's arm. "You are just like your older sister." Toriko says. "She taught me everything I know about being annoying!" Renei says proudly. "Your really cocky Renei. Anything you do honestly can't stop me from loving you." Zebra says trying to hide his emotions again. "Thanks! I guess." Renei says skipping down the walk way of Honey Prison. They get to the lift houses. "2 whole months?! This guy's gonna wreck the whole house. Ugh. I'll be damned if they try to fight in here." Renei says. The minute she said that, Zebra started to pick a fight with Toriko. The boys fight for a bit before Renei notices. "Hell no." Renei says. Her eyes turn red and deep blue aura comes off of her. "YOU ARE NOT FIGHTING IN THIS HOUSE. YOU'RE ALREADY ENOUGH WEIGHT ALONE. SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN, AND CHILL. ESPECIALLY YOU." She yells pointing at Zebra. " Dude sit down Zebra. I don't wanna get my tail kicked again. You know what happens when she's angry." Toriko says. "Relax. She can't lay a finger on me. Look at her. She's shaking in her platforms. She doesn't wanna do this. But if she wants no fighting, let's be bored and not fight." Zebra sighs. "T....that's what I thought." Renei says with a shaky tone. Her aura goes away and her eyes turn blue again. She sits down. "Two months of watching my boyfriend fight my adopted brother. This is gonna be the longest two months ever." She sighs. [Skip! ;3] Two months pass. They get out of the lift house. "They messed it up anyway huh?" Renei asks angrily. "Oh crap. We did?! Shit." Toriko says. "Settle the match huh? SETTLE THE MATCH MY ASS! I KNOW YOU HEARD ME SAY NOT TO FIGHT. I HAVEN'T SLEPT FOR TWO MONTHS BECAUSE YOU TWO ARE LOUD. YOU DAMNED MESSED UP MY FIRST TIME IN A LIFT HOUSE! YOU TWO MAKE ME SICK!" Renei says while punching on both boys at the same time. Once she finishes, everyone looks at her crazy. Her eyes turn red. She looks at the bystanders. "What? You want some too?" She growls at the bystanders. They get scared and run away. "As I thought." She growls licking the blood off of her kunais. She stands and cleans herself up. "Is there a bathroom here?" Renei asks. "R...right over there m....miss." Someone tells her. "Thank you." She says. She picks up both boys and throws them over her shoulders. "Wow Renei San. Your stronger then Toriko San." Komatsu says. "Yeah. Thanks. But can you do me a favor and hold this for me." She says tossing him her necklace and bracelets. "Okay." He says and puts them in this pocket. Renei goes into the bathroom with the two beat up and bloodstained men. "You can stop acting now." Renei says. The men wake up. "It's cramped in here. I don't like it." Renei says looking up at the tall men standing before her. "Keep still for a sec." Renei says pulling them both so they could sit down. She cleans the wounds. "It's crazy you guys actually let me beat you like that. Don't do that again. Try to kill me if I ever beat you up that way. You scared me. Especially you Zebra." She says rubbing their wounds with medicine and bandages. "Alright. All done. Come on." She says kissing both their cheeks and walking with them back to Komatsu. "We're back. Okay. Lets go." She says with a tired voice. She collapses near Zebra's foot. "What happened?" He asks her. "I don't know but, ever since you've been here, I've been feeling weird. My energy has been gone, I've been moody, and, I'm scared because I have no clue what it is." She cries. He picks her up and let's her sleep on his shoulder. "It's alright. You're just not used to seeing me here yet." Zebra says. She smiles and falls asleep on his shoulder. He looks at her and smiles. He pops her bottom a bit. She blushes and tugs his hair a bit. "You're getting it now." Zebra says tickling her sides. "S..stop! Stop! Please!" She laughs. "Okay love birds. Cut it out." Toriko says. "No." The couple replies. "Alright. You two go do couple things. Komatsu and I are going to explore." Toriko says. "Shoo then." The couple replies. "Well damn. Shooing me off already. What are you gonna do something private?" Toriko asks. "Most likely yes." Renei replies. "Have fun doing couple stuff!" Toriko waves. "Bye buddy." Renei says. The adventurers split ways. For now anyway.

So sorry this chapter was so long. I was gonna end it but couldn't because there was so much detail I wanted to add. And no some of it did not happen in the anime. But you know most of it did. Don't worry. There is a part 2 of this. If your on the edge of your seat, that's a good thing. That means that you are paying attention to the action that is soon to come. And here's a key of everything you will see in my stories.

Bold - Authors Notes
Italic - Thinking to self or highlighting what someone said
-/dash mark - cut off
..../studder mark - studder

So there's the key of what it all means. Stated tuned. Chapter 3: Renei and Zebra. Friendship Reunited Part 2. Love you all. Recommend my stories to others! Follow! Love ya! 😘

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