Chapter 3- I forgot how much I hated you

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"Well well well," Said Fermit Kun. "I haven't seen you since grade school, Fermit~Chan." He smirked. Fermette scoffed.
"Im surprised you even made it to college. If I recall correctly, last time we met I nearly pulverized you." She regarded him with distain, remembering how much she loathed him. Everything from his big spikey hair to his high collared cropped jacket and his two belts. Seriously, who needs two belts? Fermit Kun frowned.
"Tsk! Your memory must be damaged from how hard I was beating you! If only I hadn't been called away last minute, you would have understood my power."
"I'd gladly pick up where we left off." Taunted Fermette. "Or are you too scared? I think you'll find I've only gotten stronger since then." She smiled, excited to once again throw a punch at Fermit Kun.
"As much as I'd love destroying you again, Fermit Chan, you know as well as I do that school is no place for it. We both nearly got expelled from grade school because of it." He had a good point, but seeing as this was a violence academy, Fermette felt that might not be an issue. However, looking around she saw more students arriving. They could get caught in the crossfire. She glared at her rival, but straightened out of fighting position.

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