Chapter 5- Flashback! part 2

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     On the last day of third grade, as the students were leaving, Fermette was leaning against a wall after finishing her practice on the track field. She was breathing heavily, sweating, but not tired. The adrenaline coursed through her, she wanted to keep going, to keep moving. She had already stayed longer than she meant to. A noise caught her attention. She stood up and turned to see Fermit Kun exiting the locker room.
     "What were you doing in there?" She asked. "You're not on the track team, you should have left an hour ago." She approached him, the built up energy from her run making her heart race. Fermit Kun scowled.
     "It's none of your business what I do after school. Now shove off, you're blocking the door." He pushed her, and started to keep walking, but she grabbed his arm.
     "I'd like you to explain what you were doing, Fermit Kun." She said. "Or should I just let the teachers know that you were hiding in an empty locker room for an hour?" Her grip on his arm was tighter than a renaissance corset. She spoke calmly, yet firmly, with a piercing look of death in her eyes.
     "You're just looking for a fight cause there's no teachers around. Besides, why would they care that I stayed?"
     "You could've been doing any number of things." She replied. "Vandalizing, for one. Or maybe you were biding your time until everyone left and you could break in?"
     "Look, if its a fight you want, get on with it! Nobody to see us or expell us. Come on, I've been waiting all year to grind you to a pulp." Fermit Kun grinned. Fermette smiled, tightened her grip on his arm, and judo flipped him. He recovered quickly, rolling back to his feet. The two squared up.
     "I can't wait to finally show you what im made of. By the time I'm done, you'll be nothing but a memory." She leapt in for a kick, he dodged and countered with a punch. His fist collided with her forehead, but at the same time she kneed him in the rib cage. The two backed up a little, catching their breath, before launching back into combat. Neither of them held back. It was a flurry of hands and legs and shoulders.
     "You can tap out whenever!" Said Fermit Kun, pinning her to the ground. She rolled out from under him, leapt to her feet, and stepped on his back.
     "I haven't had this much fun since dodge ball day!" She chimed, leaping over him before he stood up. She turned to see him knock her on the head with his elbow, and in her moment of recovery, he grabbed her shoulders and pressed her against the wall. Suddenly, a door opened next to them.
     "Oh-OH!" Squeaked a small voice. Brenda Mayfield, class rep and teachers pet, was standing just behind them. She sounded flustered. "I- I didn't mean to interrupt, I didn't think anyone was out here, I- sorry, this is- I never thought you two were- Ill just go." She started to close the door. Fermette's mind was racing. Clearly Brenda didn't realise they were fighting. If Brenda knew, she would tell a teacher immediately and get them both expelled. As much as Fermette hated the idea of someone assuming she and Fermit Kun were... No, she couldn't tell Brenda the truth.
     "WAIT!" Said Fermit Kun. Clearly he had been thinking the same thing. Brenda peeked back out of the door. Fermit Kun had released Fermette, and turned to Brenda threateningly. "Tell NO ONE about this. You hear me?" He cracked his knuckles. Brenda squeaked, conveying that she understood. Then she disappeared back into the school. After all, they couldn't have rumors going around about them.
     "So, where were we?" Asked Fermette, squaring up. Fermit Kun grinned, and balled his fists. Suddenly, a car pulled up nearby, a voice coming out of it.
     "SWEETY, ITS TIME TO GO!" Fermit Kun whipped around to look at the driver.
     "Mom, what are you doing here?"
     "I got worried when you didn't come, so I figured I should come check! Come here, now, son, it's late!" Fermit Kun grumbled something and sulked away.
     And that brings us back to present day, where once again, Fermette and Fermit Kun are butting heads.

      And that brings us back to present day, where once again, Fermette and Fermit Kun are butting heads

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