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~ Draco ~

            "Draco, you're going to regret this." The words from my father pierced into my chest as I turned my back to him with the handle of my trunk in hand. I took a deep breath in, forcing myself not to turn back as I headed towards the large doors of the Malfoy Manor.

The heavy doors closed with a thud after I walked through them. Outside was a car that was going to take me to the airport and away from the place that gave me constant dread. After loading my trunk into the back, I slid my way into the backseat of the car. My eyes couldn't look away from the large mansion as it started to disappear into the distance.

            A rush of air entered my chest as my eyes shot open. I was laying in my full-sized bed; the only size that would've been able to fit in the room of my New York City apartment. My surroundings began to become familiar to me. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before glancing out the large window to the busy street below.

It had been four months now since I moved out of my parent's mansion and into this quaint apartment in New York. September had finally rolled around and I was able to start my training to be an auror for the Magical Congress of the United States of America. It may seem odd to have a former Death Eater training to be on the force but they were very accepting of me. I think it was the fact that I didn't actually kill anyone and that it seemed as if I was peer pressured by my parents to join.

The pressure from my parents is something that haunted me every day of my life while I lived with them. It was nice to be away from them while the served their time in Azkaban, but that didn't last for very long. Within months of them returning home, I was all packed up and ready to escape. So, I did just that.

            The grumble in my stomach ripped me away from my thoughts and back into reality once again. I stood up from my bed, trying not to disturb the black Dobermann sleeping at the end. My reflection in the mirror caught my eye. The platinum blonde mop on my head was quite disheveled and the dark bags under my eyes were prominent. I hadn't been sleeping well lately due to a plethora of reasons, but I wasn't ready to elaborate on them.

My long legs carried me down the staircase and to the open layout of the downstairs area of my apartment. I opened the refrigerator, searching the shelves for something that seemed appetizing to me. After a few moments, I settled on some yogurt and granola. I poured myself a glass of orange juice, heading over to a bar stool to take a seat.

It was a Saturday morning and I was glad to have the day off from my studies. There were clouds forming over the sky, making it seem like a gloomy day. That wasn't going to stop me from heading across the street to the dog park with my dog Luna.

She was such a companion for me, especially since I hadn't made many friends since I arrived in America. I rescued her from the local shelter after seeing she had been there for quite some time.

            After I consumed my breakfast, I got up and walked to put my dishes in the dishwasher. Luna came down the stairs, looking eager to go outside and explore.

"Hey girl, I'll get ready." I spoke to her like she was a human most of the time. My long legs carried my body back up the stairs, planting my feet right in front of my closet.

I wore a lot of dark colored clothing. Being in New York was much different than being back in Britain. American wizards did a really good job of blending in with the Muggles since our worlds were closer to each other than what I was used to. I would've never expected to wear a pair of blue jeans but sure enough, I had a few pairs that I rarely wore.

Finally, I decided on a pair of black jeans and a navy-blue button up shirt that had three-quarter length sleeves. After pulling the jeans up my lanky legs, I walked over to the bathroom and left my shirt unbuttoned. I grabbed my deodorant and applied it along with my favorite cologne. It wasn't likely I was going to meet anyone who I'd want to attract but I put it on anyways to make myself feel better.

World's Collide // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now