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~ This is the first fan fiction that I've ever written, so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I will be busy these next few weeks finishing up my fall semester but during Christmas break, I plan to write a lot. So bear with me. Thanks for reading!

~ Draco ~

ELLA: Hi how r u?

ME: Good, u?

ELLA: Very stressed :/

ME: Y?

ELLA: Midterms

It had been about a week and a half since our encounter at the dog park. Ella was a sweet girl that I enjoyed talking to. We had been out for coffee a couple times this week at a quaint little coffee shop down the street. 

Ella and I were able to talk about our personal lives and she seemed to be an open book. Me on the other hand, had to make up some fibs to keep my secret life a secret.

 She was a senior at New York University and studied nursing. I told her that I was training with the New York Police Department to become a police officer and that I had graduated with a degree in criminal justice at a college back in England. 

It wasn't totally a lie though. The NYPD worked with the MCUSA for certain things that involved the Muggle world being affected by the wizard world. MCUSA even stepped in to help with 9/11 related needs.

ME: Want to get ur mind off of things?

ELLA: How?

ME: We could watch a movie?

ELLA: Which one?

ME: No idea

ELLA: I have Mean Girls

ME: Sure

Ella had agreed to come over to watch the movie and I quickly tidied up my apartment. I sat on the couch, turning on the television as I waited for her to arrive. The doorbell rang and I got to my feet, calming Luna down before walking over to the door.

"Hey, come in." I gave Ella a warm smile after opening the door. She was dressed in a cardigan and a pair of jeans, her brunette hair flowing past her shoulders. 

Ella was very attractive, I'll admit it. I shut the door and turned the dead bolt, walking with her over to the couch. She walked over to my TV, putting in the movie before joining me on the couch.

"Have you ever seen this movie?" Ella asked, turning her head towards me. I looked into her hazel eyes, shaking my head. A strand of blonde hair fell on my forehead and Ella reached her small hand up and pushed it back. The action caused these butterflies to flutter in my stomach.

What was that? I mentally asked myself, quickly looking away as the movie started. The only time I had truly felt that feeling was back when I had silly little crushes on girls in school. 

I leaned back against the couch, letting my back sink into the cushion. My hands were folded in my lap as I focused my eyes on the television screen. The movie carried on and for some reason it grabbed my attention. Mostly because I could hear Ella giggle. 

~ Ella ~

Draco and I were parked on his leather couch, watching Mean Girls. The fact that he was able to afford a TV with HDTV without being employed was a mystery to me. In general, how he could afford living in New York City without a job made me wonder. 

I worked as a patient care technician at one of the NYU hospitals and made decent money. It was good experience but it was also very stressful on top of school. 

Draco's arm rested behind me on the back of the couch. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his body as he sat next to me. It was tempting to curl up against his side, but I didn't want to invade his personal space.

It was reaching the end of October and things were starting to cool down. His apartment wasn't freezing but it also wasn't warm either. I felt a shiver run through my body and that caught Draco's attention. 

"Cold?" He asked. His accent was so charming. I nodded my head, running my hands over my arms. Draco stood up from the couch, walking over to a small closet. He pulled out a large fleece blanket and returned to his seat. Draco draped the blanket over both of our laps. This time his arm rested on my shoulders and pulled me into his side. 

His warmth was just enough for me. It wasn't overwhelming or uncomfortable. The worst thing about cuddling someone was the fact that you felt you were overheating. I could smell his cologne, the whiffs of apple, lemon, and mint hitting my nose. 

"What are you doing for Halloween?" I asked quietly, taking our attention away from the comedy. 

"Nothing." Draco shrugged. He didn't seem like he really liked to socialize but I wanted to ask him to go to the Zeta Beta Tau Halloween party with me. I always liked to take a male with my friend group to frat parties. It made me feel safer that way. 

"Would you like to go to a frat party with me?" I asked him, looking up into his pale grey eyes. 

"A frat party?" He asked, looking confused.

"A fraternity? It's basically a group of guys who live together and do community and educational based things but they mostly abuse it and make it an excuse to have an ego and party." I explained, watching him slowly nod his head.

"Interesting, we don't have those in the UK." Draco raised an eyebrow, glancing at the television screen before looking back at me. 

"I'll go." He finally said after a few moments of pondering. 

"I don't know what I'm going to be though." Draco looked concerned. Halloween was a week away and he had plenty of time to prepare.

"We will think of something." I gave him a smile, turning my gaze back on the movie. For the rest of the movie we sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company.  

The movie came to and end and I could feel my eyes getting heavy. 

"I better get going before I fall asleep." I giggled, sitting up and pulling away from Draco. He stood up and folded the blanket back up, putting it away.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay walking back to your apartment alone?" Draco asked with a quiver of worry in his voice. It was pretty late but that didn't phase me. New York was always busy and I had had my fair share of drunken walks home past midnight.

"I'll be fine, I can text you when I get there so you know I made it safe." I grabbed my purse off of his counter, heading towards the door. Draco walked me down to the side walk. I could feel his gaze on me as I headed down the block. My apartment wasn't far away at all but it made me feel safe that he cared.

~ I know this was short but it's just a filler chapter to get the plot moving along. The next one will be fun, I promise.

World's Collide // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now