Not tonight...

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Laying on your white duvet with a towel wrapped around your exhausted body, you just rest. Knowing you have a lot of things to do, you proceed to roll over onto your stomach and close your eyes. The minutes tick by.

A pair of keys jingle at the front door downstairs. Followed by "y/n I'm home".

Gently pulled from your sleep, footsteps trail up the stairs. A smile creeps it's way to your face. Hair still damp, falls across your shoulder blades.

The bedroom door opens, and closes lightly, the footsteps grow is weight as the wooden floor creeks. "Are you awake?" A deep voice calls out from the bathroom. Rolling back over to your side, staring at the most perfect person you have ever known.

A pair of dark chocolate eyes watch you in contentment as he continues to take off his tie and socks. Striding over to the edge of the bed, and taking a seat he moves a strand of hair from your face. "I see your tired my love" a warm smile shinning down at you. "Let me take a shower and I'll come to bed" he announces, standing up and walking back over to the bathroom. You don't say anything, just watch as the love of your life sheds each piece of his clothing.

The shirt, tea shirt, belt, pants. Only a pair of gray boxers and a tired face dress his body. You admire his lean muscles in his back, strong arms and stout legs, as he does so. "Did you eat?"

Sitting up slightly to where your resting on elbows you yaw "I picked up some sushi, I have leftovers if you want any". From the bathroom he brushes his teeth, in between spitting and rinsing he mumbles "I'm good" toothpaste foam running down his mouth. Closing the bathroom door to shower you get ready for bed.

After 15 minutes or so Aaron walks out of the steamy room connected to the master bedroom with a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. Making his way over the the dresser, dropping the towel and slipping on some clean navy boxers drying his hair off at the same time, you watch from the safety of the bed.

Setting down the book you have been ready on your nightstand and taking out your contacts, you perch yourself on your elbows and knees to make sure you down drop your contact lens while taking them out. As you are closing the small container for the contacts a pair of hands rest onto your hips followed by three gentle rolls into your rear end "I missed you" he purrs into your ear.
"heyy" you chuckle at Aaron being like a horny teen whenever he isn't working.

You turn your head to try and look at him but your vision is slightly blurry so you just see a huge grin on his adorable face. "Okay horn dog knock it off" you try to sit up when you're gently pressed face down into the mattress by a hand on the back of your neck "not so fast-" Aaron practically grows from behind you.

At this point you can start to feel him get simi hard "Babe come on I'm so tired I want to go to sleep" you groan in between his playful rolls into your bottom . "Come on.." you normally would take him up anytime but you were so tired from working at home today you physically couldn't.

So as to protest your exhaustion you go limp your knees collapsing and arms laying out, almost if your in the fetal position. It may be dramatic but it proves your point and he backs off. "Mmm okay in the morning then honey I know you're tired" he climbs off of you laying next to your body.

It takes all of your strength to put your body in the correct position to sleep in, your head on Aaron's chest, a hand resting on his stomach, and your legs tangled with his. "I love you, and I would let you fuck my brains out but darling I'm so worn out..." you exhale. "I know babe, I love you too" he plants a soft kiss into your forehead..

Aaron Hotchner~One Shots Where stories live. Discover now