chapter 5 : back in the 80's

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Told form blossom's point of view


" shoot! I'm gonna be late!" I got up and rushed to my gym bag. I didn't really have time to pcik out my choltes so I just wore the jossie and the pussycats shirt I wore last night. I putted on black leggans and my white flats. I took out the tiny broads that balnda put in. My ahir looked like a teased like the heack of it. I putted it in a high pony with my pink bow. " why didn't anyone wake me up!?" I yelled all the way down the stiars.

I saw my father kissing Mrs. Morebucks. " you know I'm not hungery anymore" i ran out the door. " I'm here!" I tossed the big school doors open.
"  we knew the leader of the ppgz loved to dress up like she's in the 80's" brick leaned angiest his locker door. I got no answers out of him yesterday. " I'm surprise that you found out my identy before anyone else. When you're so dumb" I said.

" aw, that hurt me so much" he laughed. I rolled my eyes. " go back to the 80's, jem, spice girls wannabe!" Princess laughed. That dum wit! Wannve is a song by the spice girls to and jem isn't part of Josie and the pussy cats! " thanks for the compliment" I walked to homeroom.

" princess morebucks, blossom kaitlyn, bubbles smith, and buttercup Wilson, are you here?"


We rushed out as we heard princess say " not anymore".

The whole scince club was on the roff, she we had to transform in the back of the school. After we steped out the back door, our otufits changed.

" oh is this the 1990's?".

" get it off now!".

" okay this is just an insult".

I was still wearing what I wore, while bubbles and buttercup's outffits changed. " it dosen't madder" i said. " even though I'm feel insulted" i mubbled. Then it hit me. " princess must have black z rays and did this since she found out I liked the 80's and 90's" i said. " what are we waiting for!?" Buttercup asked, anyoded.

" powered buttercup!".

" rolling bubbles!".

" hyper blossom!".

" I'll take the two lower floors" buttercup ran in the school. " i'll check the three highest floor" bubbles ran off to do that. " that levaes the fourth and fifth floor to me" i ran up to the fourth floor. No one was on the fourth floor. Just as i was about to be up to the fifth floor, the stairs went up more. It did this five more times. By the time i reached the fifth floor, i heard 80's rock music for the gym. " bingo".

" has no one heard of elevators!" I tossed the gym doors open. Everyone was dressed in 80's choltes and looking at princess dancing. She wore her huge curel red hair as she usually does. But she had a sanke skin skirt with a white crop top. She had red high heels on. Her bright red lipstick popped out.

" princess rocks!".

" she's better than any of the powerpuff girls!".

Okay, she brainwashed them. " hi blossom, cool hyper blossom costume" was that miss. Kene?! She was dressed as a 70's or 60's tree hugger.
" miss kene, what's going on?" I asked. " wow, i must have missed something about your outfit. Nice wonder women outffit" is she on a cult thing? I saw my wonder women cutsume on me. The sword in my hand and the shield in my other hand. The losso of truth was at my side. 

" oh look I'm the female power captian America" I was so dispointed to find out it was like capitan America the first avenger. More like the boring avenger! I mean the winter soldier was good, but I just fell right alseep during the first avenger. Also, the first and third iron man. " well well, welcome hyper blossom or should I say wonder blossom!" Princess laughed.

Everyone laughed at me. " trying to make me embarrassed, so i'll run out and your rain of horror will stay?" I asked. " wow you are smarter than rolling bubbles and powered buttercup" she laughed. " they're my friends and no one makes fun of my friends!" I wrapped the losso around her. " this losso makes the truth come out! Now tell me, where are you black z rays?" I demaned. The msuic truned up as princess spoke.

" tell me the truth without the music!" I tossed the sword the main speaker. " now you can't hide for me!". " hey let go of me!" Two of my classmates grabbed me and the weapons. One held my arms back and the other garbed the weapons and setted princess free. " now you can tell me the truth and only the turth" princess smriked.

Princess tied me over a bottomless pit with the losso. I hung upside down as the rope was tight as it can be around me. " are you ready to tell me who you really are?" Princess asked. " hey are those balls in your bra?" Princess got red as a tomatoe. " hey guys! Princess's girly things aren't as a big as she says they are!" I shouted. " like they care" he fixed one on the left side. " then why are you fixing them?" I asked. " my mum says that a girl should have the biggest honey hills than any one" honey hills?

" plus my teenage maid, blossom kaitlyn, has honey hills bigger than mine" I ain't your maid! She kept saying honey hills and i tried to hold in my laughter, but after the tenth time she said it, i lost it. "honey hills!" I laughed. " what!? Those are what my mum calls them!" She shouted. " hey my mom calls them milk mills" I said. " why?" She asked. " because when a baby is ready to drink something, the mom can feed them milk form thier girly things" I answred. " ew!" She said. " you think a baby is eating is disgusting?! Well a baby needs to eat to stay alive. It's like you and shopping. Would you like to stop shopping to make some happy? It's a good thing no one is an the earth to please you!" I shouted.

" I never saw it that way" does this brat have a nice side? " in fact, when a women is in labor, she isn't in pain until she's ready to push and the contractions are one mintue apart. When the baby comes out, it's all slimline and with goo form inside the mom's stomach. Also, after a women has had the number of children she wants, she has to get a shot every ... month I think it is. To keep her to having more kids" princess face was full of disgust.

" but there are some upsides to a perganrtcy" her eyes perked up. " like seeing your baby on a screen, but then you'll have to have a cold jem on you. The husband would give the wife breakfast in bed, but then what if the husband can't cook without burning the food. Then i guess no breakfast for little old mommy to be. Eveyrone will do anything you want. Wait. Nope, I'm worng at that one. People will rich your stomach and the baby kicks an awful lot. Then the other down sides are moring sickness, mood swings, weird carvings, and alot of other things. But I think the only good thing is your baby" she had a sigh of relief.

" unless their mom and dad are donkeys" I said. " any requests for the music?" She pretend like she didn't hear me. " oh me! Play Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar or I Love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett and the Black Hearts!" She walked away. " yeah I know she won't play them" I sighed. Maybe someone will come a help me.  

" what did you to become a sarfice?"

" this is my hero!? F fate!" I shouted. Brick was looking right up at me. I knew he was hiding in laughter. I mean if he was hanging up here, i would laugh my head off. " what did you and princess do?" He asked. " oh I told her pregnancy things and that mom's can feed thier babies milk form their bo-"  " I heard that part! I meant what happed to get you hung upside down!" He intupurted me. " oh i tried to take princess down" i answred. " and why are you dressed as wonder girl?" He asked. " wonder women" I corrcted. " whatever" he rolled his eyes. " princess made my ppgz uniform into this" I said. Then i had an idea, but i had to ask in an odd way.

" brick, can you pretty please help me down?" I asked. " you could just say please" he got a sharp pcie of broken wood. " here use this" I caught the wood in my mounth. I moved my head to cut the rope. " and there goes the losso of truth" I landed as the losso wnet into the bottomless pit. O" shoved my hand down the wonder women amour. " blossom, we're just teenagers!" Dim wit! " I hid the losso in the amour when they pulled me here" I said. " oh thank goodness" he sighed. " sentence noted and set on fire" I said.

" get back here!" Me, bubbles, and buttercup saved the day and i still wore the wonder women amour. I guess it was mine and princess enchanted it. And brick just looked up the bottem. Now i was chasing him with sword.

" i'll shove the sword up your a***!" I was mad as heack.                                                                                                                                       

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