chapter 10 : sue!

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Told form blossom's point of view

My father should know by now that I don't need to depended on a man. " we'll give you balnda if yiu meet the person we want you to see" my father said. " get it in writing first" I ordred. Someone wrote it on a pice of paper. " now let me see this person" I said. A teenage biy with glass came out. His eyes were a nice bule and his hair was black. He were a tux.

" this is my daughter, blossom" my father said. " it's nice to finally see you" he kissed me hand. " feelings are some what not the same" I sighed.
" my name is alexdnaer" he said. " okay, I met him. Give me my little sister now!" I demaned. " just answer his qustion" truned aorund to see the boy on his knee. I just laughed. " look dude. I know i' the beuaty of the town or whatever, but if I read" I said. " but I love a girl with smarts" he said.

" i mean my whole life is dedicated to books. And if I get her, it will be dedicated to my little sister to" I said. " i understand. I will devote my life to her to. I'll love her like she was my own duaghter" he smiled. " but if you marry me, she'll become your sister in law and if you treat her like your own duaghter, it's just gross. Also, loud music helps me get to sleep" I said. " i don't care. I'll love all your flaws and perfections" he said.

" but I'm not perfect" i sighed. " it dosen't madder" he said. " look, you seem like a guy who would make a wonderful husband. But I'm to young. Ask me when I'm 21. Plus i suck at being a housewife" I said. " i see. We'll i guess you'll be mrs. Blossom castle later in life" he got off his knee.
" or I might be someone else's wife" I thought.

Turns out I had to say yes to get balnda. I rushed out of there. " miss. Blossom, please wait!" I truned around to see my father's loyer behind me.
" yes" I said. " the only way to win the custody for your little sister, is to get proof of the things you say your father has done" he said. " thank you" I smiled.

" you could have a husband" it was lunch and i just told bubbles and buttercup about my plan to get balnda. " why would I need a useless husband aorund my house?" I asked. " i mean you could say your father kocked you up and balnda is rightfully your child" bubbles explined.
" bubbs, balnda is seven and blossom is sixteen" buttercup said. " actully she is 11 going onto 12 soon" I corrcted. " i know" bubbles said. " then how can her father who is almost in his late 30s get blossom pergunt?" Buttercup asked. " i don't know what stuff goes on in that house" bubbles said.

" i would have stretch marks form giving brith" I pointed out. " well I don't what is under that shirt" she said. " so blossom needs someone to get her pergunt" brick was right behind me. " where you listing to our every word?" I asked. " yeah. But I can help you" he smriked. " you pig!" I snapped. " hey if you really want balnda back, you would do anything" he said. " yeah, but if I have a baby then I'll have no time to to have sister time with balnda" I pointed out.

" i never really wanted to marry you" he said. " then why vonlenter!?" I asked. " sometimes I like tok see how you would react to things" he admitted. " you're so luky i'm not princess or else" I said. " or else what?" He asked. " i might have said yes" I laughed. " Well you're lucky I'm not one of your crushes" he said. " and why is that?" I asked. " because you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off of me" he answred.

" your lucky there are witness because the comment could have ended your life" I smirked. " we hear nor see you killing him" buttercup said.
" but lying on the witness stand when you took an oath to tell and only tell the truth is worng" I pointed out. " so don't kill me" brick said. " no, no. I will surely give you pain you've never felt before, someday. I'm not stupid to get caught" I smirked. " maybe I'll move to Texas or somewhere far away form you" brick said.       

" you know you could never run form her" bubbles said. " tell me why you think that" he said. " because her murder plan tkaes place while we're still in high school" buttercup said. " brick, you having nothing to fear. They're just kiding" i saw a sigh of relief form brick.

" for now".

" it's 3 am in the hacking mroing! Don't crimals sleep!" I just transformed and flew to the mall, since the rpoffcer told me that puichi flet black z rays around here. " you look like you have bags under your eyes, let me take care of that" smriked seudsa. " you wonder why I have bags under my eyes. Maybe it's beucase I have to deal with villans at three am and I have school to deal with!" I shouted.  " so you want me to tkae care of them or not?" Seudsa asked.

" I'm tell you what I really want!" I shouted. " I'm so tried that I'm singing parts form songs" I laughed. " now are we going to fight?" Asked princess. " i look ten times better in a swim suit than you!" I woke up form a very thiny nap. " let's use her tiredness to test out our new dust".                     

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