⋆ 𝑻ime spent: 6 hours more or less and I was following online lessons in the meantime lol
⋆ 𝑮raphic:
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𝑪omment: I mean what am I supposed to say it includes pretty much all my favorite things - pine branches and pine cones - biscuits - (with the icing on topppp yay) - cute lil lights - the green&red color combo - the cozy cute atmosphere - AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE CHRISTMAS VIBE!!!!!
Guys I CAN'T believe it's that time if the year!! (Yeah in my mind christmas time literally starts in November and ends like the 15th of January or something like that) But I'm SO happy!! If yall didn't notice XD
Oh, yeah, about the cover, I like it a lot! It really came out as I wanted. I'm happy for that too ^^
Ps. I know it says "graphic shop" but I thought about it and I'm NOT ready to have a graphic shop lol, I'll change it to "portfolio" and make The Bakery the new portfolio theme! And I'll keep the same theme after Christmas too, but I'll make another cover less christmas-y :(